Chapter 43(Final)

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A few months later.. (Vegas house)

Porsche Pov..

Porsche is playing with his little princess in the water.. Alyssa giggle happily while splashing the water towards Porsche face.. Porsche then say.. Ei ei.. My little princess... Look! Mommy already wet na! Vegas then join them and chuckle as he see the view infront of him.. Porsche then pout and say.. Come here! I will make you wet too! Alyssa then splash the water to Vegas face.. Porsche then laugh and kiss Alyssa cheek and say.. Good girl! That's my little princess.. Vegas then carry Alyssa and kiss her fluffy cheek many times... Suddenly.. Pete Khun Arm and Pol along Macau and Chay come towards them.. Chay then help to carry Alyssa and feed the milk to her... Alyssa then sit properly on Chay lap while Macau stroke her head gently.. Khun then play with Alyssa and hear her giggle.. Vegas and Porsche then come up and dry them self... Porsche then reply.. Guys...please wait here ok.. I think I need to shower... Vegas then say.. Me too.. Macau then smack Vegas shoulder and say.. Please guys.. We still have a kid here.. Godness.. Vegas and Porsche quickly go into the house and run towards the bathroom and take a shower... Vegas then kiss Porsche deeply and hug him tight and say.. I love you sweetheart.. I love you so much...Porsche then kiss Vegas forehead for a long time and take Vegas hands and put on his belly.. Vegas then kiss Porsche belly and say.. Just 3 months.. They didn't notice about it yet.. Porsche chuckle and say.. Let them be... Then.. Vegas help Porsche to shower.. Porsche then kiss Vegas lips softly and say... Im grateful to have you sweetheart.. Vegas then kiss Porsche forehead and say.. Honey.. We still have a guest.. Porsche touch their forehead and chuckle... Vegas and Porsche take a quick shower.. 10 minutes later.. Vegas and Porsche come down and see Khun and Pete also Arm prepared the food on the table.. While Macau Chay and Pol are watching tv together.. Macau then let Alyssa sleep on his lap..  Chay and Macau already fall asleep on the sofa... Porsche then shake his head and let them sleep with Alyssa while others start to eat.. 15 minutes later.. They leave Vegas house and return to main family house.. Porsche then take all the plate and start to wash.. Vegas then help Porsche to wash too.. Vegas then say.. Honey.. Lets rest shall we.. Porsche nod and take Alyssa and carry her then walk towards the room.. Vegas help to put Alyssa on their bed.. Porsche then walk towards the window and look at the sky.. Vegas then hug Porsche from behind and put his chin on Porsche shoulder and say.. I know it baby.. You really miss Kim aren't you?Porsche tears fall out then hug Vegas tight.. Vegas then hug Porsche and kiss his forehead for a long time and say.. Kim and uncle already happy up there.. So.. We need to be happy as well na.. Porsche then hug Vegas neck and kiss his lips deeply.. Vegas chuckle between the kiss and rub Porsche back gently and say.. I love you so much.. Porsche then say.. I love you even more my husband.. Thank you for everything na.. Vegas smile then say.. Lets have rest shall we.. You and our baby need a rest... Then both of them rest together..

     Thank you for every moment that you give to me.. I feel grateful to have you by my side - Vegas

     You made my life complete.. Thank you for loving me.. I know Im not perfect.. But... You make me feel perfect enough.. I love you.. Thank you for coming into my life.. I hope what will have now.. Will remain as a beautiful memories.. I love you - Porsche
                    The End❤️❤️

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