Chapter 2

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In the jail..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche is still unconscious at the jail... Pete and Arm walk slowly towards the jail and feel shock as they see their best friend lying down on the floor... Pete then yell.. Porsche! Arm then pat Porsche cheek softly and say.. Hey.. Porsche.. What happen to you na? Please wake up.. Suddenly.. Vegas appear and feel shock as he see Porsche is covered with a bruise on his face... Arm then say... Porsche is still unconscious Khun Vegas.. What should we do now? Vegas then say.. Lets take him to my car.. I will treat his wounds.. Pete then say.. It will be dangerous if Khun Kinn know Khun Vegas.. Kim suddenly join and say.. Its ok.. I will handle Kinn later.. Pete and Arm.. Off you both go now.. Be careful Vegas.. Vegas then nod and drive away to his house..

At Kinn room...

Kinn is standing at the window and stare outside with an anger.. Big sudden come in and say.. Khun Kinn.. Khun Vegas just took Porsche away..Kinn then say.. Let them be... I will torture Porsche if he is dare to flirt with that stupid Vegas.. Now... Please leave.. I want to rest... Kim suddenly burst into the room and punch Kinn face and ask.. What the hell have you done to Porsche?! How could you do that to him?! Kim start to push Kinn until he got fall on the floor.. Big then quickly help Kinn to get up and ask.. Are you alright Khun Kinn?Kinn then smirk.. I won't show any mercy to that stupid guy Kim.. You know me well.. Kim then say.. If I see you do it again...I will report to Pa.. Kim then leave the room.. Kinn then say.. Enjoy it while you can Porsche.. Because.. Im going to torture you even more.. Kinn then drink his wine and continue his work..

Vegas pov..

Vegas finally arrives at his personal house... Then Nop come out and feel shock as he see Porsche.. Vegas then see Nop coming towards Vegas.. Vegas then reply.. Nop.. Please take Porsche and put him in my room.. Nop then carry Porsche slowly and walk towards Vegas room.. Nop then put Porsche slowly on the bed and close the door slowly.. Nop then go towards
Vegas and ask.. Khun Vegas.. What is happening to that man? Vegas then reply.. Kinn torture him.. So I decided to take him to my house... Nop face expression starts to change then reply.. If main family knows about this.. Vegas shake his head and say.. I can't let Porsche suffer like this Nop.. Let him rest here.. I will go and make something for Porsche to eat later.. Off you go now... Nop nod then walk away.. Vegas walk towards the kitchen and start to make a porridge for Porsche...

Porsche Pov..

Porsche slowly wake up and look around... Porsche then realize he isn't at main family house right now... Porsche then ask to himself where am I right now?Whose house is this? Porsche is about to get up.. Suddenly feel a sharp pain through his stomach.. Porsche walk slowly towards the mirror while holding his stomach.. Porsche look at his own reflection then reply.. You really look like shit Porsche... Porsche suddenly smells something nice and smile softly..Porsche go towards the toilet and clean him self.. 5 minutes later.. Porsche go down and walk towards the kitchen and see Vegas is cooking.. Porsche quickly hide behind the wall and hold his chest and say.. Calm down Porsche... Just Khun Vegas... Porsche then see Vegas already standing right in front of him and ask... Are you ok Porsche? The food is already on the table... Vegas smile softly and say.. No need to be afraid na... I swear.. I didn't put anything in the food.. Porsche suddenly remember about Macau and quickly kneel infront of Vegas then say.. Khun Vegas... Im truly sorry for hurting Khun Macau.. I really didn't mean to... Everything that Khun Macau said just now.. Its not even true... Please believe me Khun Vegas... Porsche tears starts to fall out all of a sudden...Vegas then pull Porsche slowly and hold both of his shoulders and say.. I know Porsche.. I know you didn't mean to.. I believe you... Don't worry.. Macau will be fine... Now.. Lets eat ok.. Come and sit beside me.. Porsche then walk slowly and sit beside Vegas... Vegas then say... Porsche.. Come and work with me na.. Porsche then silent for a while then reply.. Im sorry but I can't Khun Vegas.. Khun Kinn already asked me to work as his bodyguard na... Vegas then say.. Porsche.. I really want to protect you.. Porsche then look at Vegas with a begging look and reply.. I will send you back after this.. But.. If anything happen to you.. Please tell me or Kim OK? Porsche then speak in his heart Am i already fall for him? Porsche then remember Pete words a rich man will never look at us.. Porsche then get up and wash the plate following by Vegas.. Vegas then say.. Let's go back to main family house na.. Porsche then nod and walk slowly to the car.. Vegas lock the door and get into the car and start to drive back to main family house..

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