Chapter 3

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At main family house..

Khun Pov.

Khun is busy with his work.. Pete suddenly come towards him and put the cup of tea on the table.. Khun then say.. Thank you sweetheart.. Then kiss Pete and smile softly... Pete nod and about to walk away.. Khun noticed Pete sullen face then grab his hand and pull him to sit on Khun.. Pete feels shock and about to get up but got hold by his beloved.. Khun then ask..Pete..Did I do something wrong to you? Pete quickly shake his head and kiss Khun lips deeply.. Khun rub Pete back and ask again.. Then.. What's wrong hmm? Khun start to stroke Pete fluffy cheek softly... Pete then get down from Khun lap and reply.. Im really worry about Porsche.. Khun Kinn torture him.. Khun feel shock as he hears those words from Pete.. Khun then hug Pete and reply.. Don't worry love.. I will talk to him again..

10 minutes later..

Vegas and Porsche already arrive at main family house.. Porsche feel shock as he see Kinn is standing in front of the main gate while looking at Porsche with anger.. Porsche then say... Thank you so much Khun Vegas.. Porsche then come out from Vegas car and start to walk away from Kinn..Vegas roll his eyes then drive away.. Kinn then pull Porsche roughly.. Porsche then say.. Khun Kinn.. Its hurts.. Please let me go! Kinn ignore Porsche and drag him towards his room and lock the door.. Porsche then ask.. Khun Kinn.. What are you doing... Kinn slap Porsche face hard and ask how dare you went back with Vegas?! Porsche hold his right face and reply.. N.. No...I..I didn't know.. When I open my eyes.. Im already at Khun Vegas house... Please let me go now Khun Kinn... Kinn smirk and reply you think I will believe you? Kinn drag  Porsche towards his bed and rip off his clothes.. Porsche yell then reply.. No! Khun.. Aaaah... Kinn thrust Porsche roughly and without showing any mercy.. Porsche cry in pain and say.. Please.. Its hurts.. Stop... Kinn slap Porsche face then reply.. You are my slave boy Porsche.. This is what you will receive from me if you dare to go out without my permission.. Kinn rape Porsche brutally.. Porsche slap Kinn face and quickly run away from the room while using his torn clothes.. Khun and Pete then see Porsche and run towards him... Porsche quickly go inside his room and cry hard... Khun then open the door and see Porsche cheek are red and sit beside him follow by Pete.. Pete rub Porsche shoulder and hug him then ask.. Porsche.... Please tell us.. Who... Who did this nasty things towards you hmm? Porsche sobbing and hug Khun and Pete and reply.. K.. Kinn... Kim who is just about to come into Porsche room.. Suddenly feel his blood starts to boil again.. Kim bang the wall and walk as fast as he can towards Kinn room... Kim open the door and feel shock as he see Kinn is having a wild sex with one of his sex boy... Kim then walk towards Kinn with anger and punch Kinn face twice.. Kinn then ask.. What the fuck Kim?! Kim then yell.. You raped Porsche am i right?! You better stop it now!Kinn then reply.. That slut deserve it.. Who asked him to dare flirting with that bastard Vegas?! Kim punch Kinm stomach then reply.... It was your fault your fucking idiot! You treated Porsche like he was a trash! Are you even a human?! Please stay away from Porsche! Kim then leave the room.. Kinn sex boy try to touch Kinn and about to continue to have a sex with Kinn again.. Kinn then reply with a stern voice.. Get out.. I don't want to see you again.. Then.. Kinn sex boy get out with a sullen face... Kim then return to Porsche room and see Khun and Pete is still there... Kim then sit beside Porsche and look at him with a worry face then say.. Let's Porsche rest first na.. I need to tell Vegas about this.. Khun then reply.. No need.. Vegas will be mad if he knows.. Arm who is still silent.. Finally speak up... Khun Kim is right Khun Noo.. Khun Vegas have a right to know..Kim then reply.. I will call him now.. All of you.. Please.. Let Porsche rest na.. Kim stroke Porsche head gently and stay with Porsche for a while..

Vegas Pov..

Vegas is painting a picture.. Suddenly.. Vegas phone ring and see Kim name.. Vegas then turn on the loud speaker mode and answer.. Hello Kim.. What's up? Kim then reply.. Vegas.. I think you need to take Porsche to live with you na.. Kinn raped Porsche just now.. Vegas immediately stands up and ask.. Kinn is what?! How could he did that to Porsche?! Vegas try to calm himself and reply.. I need to talk to Porsche.. How is he Kim? Kim sigh and reply.. I don't even know how to explain it Vegas.. Kinn is already too much now..Kim then reply again.. Im still have a work to do at the studio Vegas.. I will chat with you later.. Kim hung up the phone and kiss Porsche forehead and say.. How can I help you Porsche? Big then secretly watch from outside and smirk.. Big then walk away and go to Kinn room and say.. Khun Kinn.. Khun Kim is with Porsche.. Porsche is resting and sleeping.. Kinn then say.. Give me a pail.. Big then take the pail and fill it with the water and give it to Kinn.. Kinn walk slowly towards Porsche room and open the door and see Porsche is resting.. Kinn then pour the cold water on Porsche.. Porsche feel shock and quickly get up and look at Kinn.. Kinn then say.. Change your clothes and crawl back and forth 50 times.. If I see you stop.. I will rape you again.. Understand?! Big... Give him a time so that he can change his clothes.. Big then slap Porsche face and say.. Hurry up idiot! Porsche tears fall again and change his clothes.. Big then reply.. A man like you aren't deserve to be loved.. Don't stop crawling.. Im going to have a moments with Khun Kinn later.. So.. Don't you dare to try to escape! Big push Porsche away.. Porsche walk slowly and start to crawl back and forth... Vegas appear out of nowhere and see Porsche is doing his punishment.. Porsche try to endure the pain and tears starts to come out again.. Vegas then walk towards Kinn room and see Kinn and Big is having a hot kissing.. Vegas then punch Kinn and slap Big.. Big then run away from the room.. Kinn then ask.. What is your problem?! Vegas punch Kinn face again and again then yell.. I will take Porsche from you Kinn.. Don't you dare to disturb him again or I will kill you.. Vegas walk away from Kinn room.. Porsche then walk slowly and feel his vision start to get blur... Vegas quickly hold Porsche and take him back to his room and put him to lay down..

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