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i decided to call michael because i couldn't find my way back home. pathetic right?

it took less than a ring for him to answer the phone.

"baby? thank god please oh my gosh. are you okay? i'm so sorry." michael spoke quickly into the phone.

"i'm okay mickey. no, i'm sorry. i acted immaturely. i just couldn't cope with the news at that moment." i whispered.

"where are you? can i come pick you up so we can talk? just you and me." he pleaded.

"i-i'm at the park. could you possibly bring me a tampon and a change of clothes because i'm freezing." i shivered.

"done and done. don't move." he spoke before hanging up.

i stood up from the bench and waddled over to the front of the park.

i was shivering and trying not to die because of how cold i was.

it didn't help that i was wet and bloated.

i felt like absolute shit.

i saw a car pull up and immediately backed away in case it wasn't michael.

it was.

he quickly hopped out and gave me a hug.

"michael! i'm wet, i don't want to get you wet." i spoke.

"you think i care about getting wet right now? i'm so happy you're safe. next time please don't walk out like that. you scared me and the boys half to death." michael spoke firmly.

"i-i'm sorry." i stuttered.

"it's okay babe. let's get you changed. you know it's the number one thing most people will tell you, don't sit in the rain or wet close." he chuckled before leading me to the park restroom.

i quickly grabbed the change of clothes and tampon and ran into the bathroom.

i changed and walked out slowly.

michael walked back to his car with me and drove to a parking spot before stopping.

"aren't we going home?" i asked.

"no, i want to talk. just you and i." he spoke as he turned to face me.

"i-i'm sorry for running away. i just didn't know how to cope with it. i already felt like shit because of my period and i didn't know what to do. i've never been taught what to do. if i tried anything i would have a fist in my face." i spoke softly.

"well, that's something we can work on as a family and in therapy. we can learn how to communicate our emotions instead of running from them." michael spoke softly.

i nodded while staring down at the ground.

i felt michael gently reach forward to grab my hand.

"i know my eyes are pretty and all, but you can look at me when you talk if you want." he chuckled trying to bring a joke to the conversation.

i slowly looked up into his eyes and immediately felt safety and love.

"i look so fucking fat and bloated right now." i sighed as i looked back down.

"ophelia clifford. you do not. if you could see the way that me and the boys see you. you're beautiful princess." he whispered.

"i wish i could feel beautiful and not let my past taint how i feel about myself." i whispered as i looked up into his eyes again.

"that's another thing we can work on as a family. this is new for all of us. that doesn't mean we give up, we will all continue to grow and learn as a family how to communicate." michael spoke simply.

i nodded before turning back around.

"i guess someone's ready to come back home." he smiled.

we drove off to the house and as soon as we pulled into the driveway, calum came walking out with luke and ashton not far behind.

"my gosh i'm so fucking sorry ophelia." calum spoke as he gave me a crushing hug.

"no i'm sorry for running away." i spoke muffled into his chest.

"let's head on in before it starts raining again." luke spoke as he stared up at the sky.

we all walked inside and sat on the couch.

"so ophelia and i had a talk, and i think we need to do some therapy as a family. we are not a typical family and i think it could help. i would also love if she could do some one on one therapy with you ash." michael spoke.

"of course mate." ashton smiled lightly.

"enough of this sad day, let's watch a movie and let tomorrow's battles be tomorrow's." luke spoke as he reached for the remote.

i sunk into the couch and felt myself relax. maybe this could work out.

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