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i sat down in front of a starbucks with my hands shaking and a crying baby.

"sh my love you're okay." i whispered as i rocked her back and forth.

soon enough michael pulled up with ashton and quickly jumped out of the car.

"m- "explain to me what happened first please." michael spoke firmly.

i pulled out my phone and played the video.

i saw michael's hands turn white as he dropped the phone to his side.

"please don't be mad at me." i whispered to michael.

ashton quickly noticed my shaking body and grabbed michael's arm breaking him out of his angry stance.

michael quickly handed my phone back before calling my social worker and telling her to get to starbucks as soon as possible.

i held the baby tight against my chest and she finally stopped crying.

"let me see." ashton spoke gently as he softly grabbed her out of my hands.

the second she left my hands she started screaming again.

ashton quickly handed her back and she stopped crying.

"well, that's going to be interesting." ashton whispered as he stared at the baby and i.

"i don't want to be a mom." i spoke with tears in my eyes. "not yet at least."

"and you don't have to be. mary is coming." michael spoke as he sat down.

mary eventually pulled up and i showed her the video on my phone and she was livid.

"who the fuck do these people think they are selling off young children." she spoke angrily.

"d-did i do the right t-thing?" i asked as i looked over at michael. "she seems mad."

"not at you babe, she's mad at those awful people she put you with. you did the right thing for you and this baby." michael whispered as he held me close.

the police arrived and took my phone for proof. i walked with mary as michael and ashton left for home.

"what do we do with the baby?" i asked.

"well as of right now, i will take her. i will make sure she has a loving home this time." mary spoke as she grabbed the baby.

surprisingly she didn't cry. i guess she didn't like men.

"she isn't crying. that's good. last time she was picked up my ashton she burst into tears." i mumbled.

"good to know. i'll try to find a household without men and if there are men i'll put a background check on them personally." mary whispered as she bounced the baby around.

"where do i go?" i asked.

"well, you could come back with me for the next couple days before the court hearing with michael." mary spoke hesitantly.

"are you sure? i wouldn't want to burden you." i spoke softly.

"ophelia you wouldn't be a burden." mary chuckled as she walked us to her car.

"you might be asked to be a witness to the event in court. would that be okay?" mary asked.

"of course." i smiled lightly.

we soon arrived at her place and i went upstairs and as soon as i laid down i was out.

the next couple days went by fast. the baby, whose name ended up being brittany, was given to a nice family.

i was now getting ready for court. i was happy to hopefully finally be adopted into a family.

i put on a cute dress and tights and braided my hair. i through on a bit of makeup and walked downstairs.

"ophelia! you look beautiful." mary smiled as she led me to her car.

we drove to the court house and she walked in with me.

i saw the boys on the other side of the room.

michael and i both stepped forward as the boys stayed behind in the seats.

"you may be seated." the judge smiled as she sat down.

"now let's get in to this adoption and hopefully end it with a happy ending."

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