Chapter 34: Almost there

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense than whatever that mumbo jumbo shit you just muttered," he says.

"Well, I'm just a little annoyed and a bit anxious," I say somewhat shyly.

"A bit. You're telling me that what you just said made sense" he retorts

"Well, no but-"he cuts me off.

"Point proven," he says

"Fine" I reply.

"Wait, so he hasn't even talked to you about your kiss" Sapnap remarks.

"No" I reply quietly

"Shit, well I don't know how I can help you man," he says.

"Well, he has answered one of my calls," I say.

"Oh?" He says with a little hope in his voice.

"But, then he hung up pretty much instantly and hasn't answered my texts since "I reply finishing my sentence.

"Oh," he says as if all hopes had been lost.

"Yep," I say

"Okay, well I will text him and if he answers I'll call you" he suggests.

"Ok, sounds good" I reply.

"Well, I'll talk to you later then, bye" he replies

"Yeah, bye," I say and I hang up and fall back onto my bed.

Well, I guess all I can do is wait.

And I did for about an hour. My dad and Drista had gone to go get some groceries and I sat in my room on my phone playing games because I gave up on texting George. I needed a distraction, and waiting for him to answer was not doing it for me. So, I stayed in my room on my phone trying to stay calm.

Only a few minutes later I heard the front door open and someone running up the stairs. Yet, I stay still on my bed expecting Drista to burst through my door at any second.

George POV:

I sat leaning against my door balling my eyes out for what felt like a day, which only turned out to be half an hour. During that time I'd heard my sister go down to see what happened, to which I cracked open the door a bit to see if I could hear what they were saying.

I heard mumbling, but in all honesty, I couldn't make anything out. So, I shut the door and let my guilty conscience run free. Only, moments later I felt a knock on the door behind me.

"Who is it?" I asked pushing back my tears and clearing my voice. Trying to make it seem like I'm okay with everything that had just gone down.

"Mya, who else would it be? Now can you let me in?" She said with concern in her voice.

"No," I say quickly pushing back up against the door before she has a chance to force her way in.

"Please" She begs pushing on the door a bit.

"No," I say firmly for the second time.

"I want to be alone" I continue my sentence.

"Fine, well if you don't want to talk to me go talk to mom And, by the way, she is really pissed. Just a heads up" She says giving up trying to get in.

"Okay," I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear.

"Oh and by the way, John is gone too, so you don't need to worry about him," She says as I hear her footsteps receding in the hall until I finally hear her door open and shut.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts and look around my room. I see the cardboard box sitting on my shelf with all the little notes from Dream, all my little childhood mementos. Which for a split second brought me back to a time when I had nothing to worry about. But, all of that has changed now.

I frown and look down into my lap as I feel a few more tears roll down my cheeks. I squeeze my eyes tightly as each moment of this school year has pushed me more and more to the edge. All I need right now is Dream, but I feel like I've gone and messed that up.

Finally, I open my eyes with one more tear falling from my cheek. As I open my eyes my phone screen turned on making me aware of the brightness of the room. Only, I notice all the texts and the missed calls from Dream that I never had the chance to reply to. I sat staring at those messages feeling nothing but guilt for my actions and how I treated him.

My phone screen turned off leaving me looking at a black screen where my reflection showed me looking right back at myself. I looked back at myself wiped the tears off my face and went to deal with the consequences.

Getting up off my floor I shoved my phone back in my pocket, opened my door, and went straight downstairs to talk to my mom.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and I looked at her.

She said nothing and just waited for me to speak. So I did.

"Mom," I said sincerely walking up to her from the stairs.

"I'm so sorry and I know how important this dinner was for you and I went and messed up by bringing..." I began my apology hoping this could maybe smooth things over. But, when I look up she was barely paying attention to what I was saying. She just held her glass of wine with her arms crossed sipping it from time to time. So, I stopped talking.

"What was that?" She questioned as she looked at me sternly

"I-I d-don't know-w" I stuttered not realizing how mad she actually was. Only, she didn't like my answer and she just went off, something I never expected her to do meaning that I really fucked up.

Upon this realization, guilt began to coarse through my veins and her yelling became ringing in my ears as more seconds passed it made me more and more unsettled. I lost my footing and I fell to the ground. I started to think, where's Dream, where is he, I need him.

So, I went to him.

Looking around the room I spotted my keys, found my footing, got up, and grabbed them off the counter. Without even a thought I dashed out the door and drove to Dream's house.

Once I got there I ran through the door without even knocking and ran up the stairs to his room just hoping he was there to help me.

I finally got to his room and I burst through the door to see him on his bed.

Dream looks at me and my tears-stained face in shock.

That's when I couldn't take it anymore, I fell into him sobbing my eyes out. Releasing all the built-up pressure from the ride over.

Thankfully without a second to spare he instantly wraps his arms around me comforting me. Then, something suddenly hit me and I stopped crying. I lifted my head and looked at him.

"I broke up with Lukas"



what's up, so I wrote another chapter

and I'm not sure when the next one will be out.

But I am determined to finish the story.

anyway I hope all is well

and have a good day/night


- Keeper

Word Count: 1630

Notes with a smile on it // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now