The fake date -E.O

Start from the beginning

"Dobra mamo, baw się dobrze! Porozmawiamy jeszcze innego dnia." Emma responded. (Okay mom, have fun! We'll talk some more another day.)

"Dziękuję kochanie. Kocham Cię!" Her mother said, her happy and cheerful voice back on. (Thank you, honey. Love you!)

"Też cię kocham!" Emma responded before hanging up. (Love you too!)

As soon as the call was over she threw her phone to the couch and groaned. Her hands were back to her face. 

"What? What happened?" Lizzie was the first to ask her and everyone else quickly turned around to see what was going on. 

"It's my mother." Emma responded and brought her hands down from her face. "She's getting married." She continued.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Chris asks confused.

"It is and I'm happy for her." Emma is quick to respond. "Is just that, whenever we see each other she is quick to set me up with different women. She always talks about when I will find the one or settle down for good." She lists a few things that her mother does. "She was already telling me about my stepdad and how he has a friend who has a daughter that is also lesbian or at least bi, and how it will be nice if we got to know each other at the wedding, considering she's coming as well." She explains and when she is done, she lets out a big sigh. 

"Oh, that does sound exhausting." Scarlett is the first to respond.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Emma mutters.

"Did she ask if you're bringing anyone?" Brie asked this time and moves closer to Tessa.

"Yeah, it was the first thing she asked after telling me she's getting married and would like for me to be there." Emma replies. "I told her that whether or not I were to bring anyone, it's my choice and she should respect it." She adds.

"What did she say in return?" Lizzie asks.

"She said okay. But I know her and as soon as she'll see me, she will shove the other girl in my face and force us to get to know each other. It wouldn't be the first time." She responds. 

"What if you were to take someone with you?" Tessa asks, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"She'd be ecstatic." Emma responds clueless.

"Then, take someone with you. Duh." Tessa continues.

"And who would that be?" She responds again. "I'm not dating anyone right now." 

"Take one of us." Brie is quick to catch up on the plan. "But not me or Tessa, I refuse to be separated again." And to prove her point, she takes the brunette into her arms and doesn't falter when Tessa starts protesting. 

"So that leaves Lizzie and Scar." Sebastian concludes. "I'm excluding us, the guys since your mom knows you don't like men." 

"No, no. Exclude me as well. I just got together with Colin, I don't want to ruin anything." Scarlett backs up.

"I guess that leaves me." Lizzie giggles, suddenly nervous.

At that, Emma's heart skips a beat. She won't survive the whole time with Lizzie on her side. 

"So it's settled." Chris claps his hands. "Lizzie is your date for the wedding." 

"Guys, guys. I can't just take a friend to my mom's wedding. She'll complain that I didn't manage to get a girlfriend." Emma quickly shook her head. 

"Then pretend to be together for the wedding, what's the big deal?" Scarlett questions. 

"Yeah, I'm up for it, if you are." Lizzie turns her attention to Emma.

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