The 3 mistakes they made -E.O

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Not really in the writing mood, but I'll try my best.

Narrator's POV.

The worst part of having a secret relationship with someone who is famous is having to look over your shoulder constantly. You never know when someone could just recognize her and just take some photos then post them on social media for all to see. 

So this resulted in late-night dates, having to wear a disguise if you ever decide to go somewhere in the middle of the day, and even then some people seem suspicious. 

'You look very familiar.' A lot of people say. 'I get that a lot.' Is the response most of the time?

The amount of people Lizzie had to disappoint while telling them she wasn't in fact Elizabeth Olsen, crushed her. But that was only because she was with her girlfriend, and she didn't want their relationship to be made public. 

They enjoyed the private times they had together. They loved being able to just walk the streets down like they don't have any care in the world, holding their hands, and being so in love. Especially at night when the streets were empty, and they could just be themselves. 

Some friends knew about their relationship and supported it. Some even covered Lizzie's ass if there were any questionable articles about a 'Similar woman that could be seen with another woman.' Scar especially. That woman loved meddling in their relationship (in a good way). And was there for the couple at any time of the day. 

She always says that since the start of their relationship, Lizzie is more carefree and confident. Her panic attacks aren't that bad anymore, and she seems to be more light. Emma always responds with 'I just love her for her. And I would always be cheering on her when she does something. I'm her biggest fan really.'

Lizzie's team also was made aware of the relationship, so they can be prepared for any stories that may come their way about a 'relationship' on Lizzie's part.

But most of her fans are actually respectful of her privacy. She only has problems with the media in general, paparazzi as well. They just love to stalk her everywhere she goes. Sometimes she can't catch a break.

So far on, they didn't have too many problems with the media, so that was a relief. But this only means that they let their guards down. 

"Babe, can you help me for a little bit?" Lizzie asks her girlfriend who was currently playing games on the console.

"Yeah, of course." She responded immediately.

"I want you to record me for a little bit. I want to give the fans a little update on the garden and everything in it." She said with big puppy eyes and a pout.

"Of course my love." Was the response, followed by a quick peck on the lips.

"At my signal, you close it okay?" Lizzie requested.

"Of course. Now be prepared. I'm starting the recording." Emma quickly raised her other hand and counted backward from 3 to 1 so her girlfriend would be prepared.

When it hit 1, Lizzie turned back to the camera and pretended to be surprised. "Hi! I didn't see you there." She said with a cute wave. "Since you all came here today, let me give you an update on the garden. You must be curious. So let's go." She left the house and went towards the garden.

"Is been a nice season so everything is almost riped. You guys came just in time! So the blueberries are almost done, they just need a little bit longer so they can be big and sweet." She pointed to them. "Here we have the 'salads' section. Everything that I've cooked recently is with vegetables from here. I love it!" She turns to the camera and bounces on her toes.

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