"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Part 2 -W.M

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A little bit of warning I guess? There will be some heavy kissing and scenes, not smut tho. But if you feel uncomfortable skip those parts.

Narrator's POV

It's been a few months since the Avengers met Wanda's girlfriend and a change in the atmosphere could be felt. For example, they seem the be closer than before, doing group activities every week, Wanda was more warm and welcoming towards her team. They were still scared of what she could do if she got too mad, but weren't as terrified of her. Emma would also be preventing the compound. She would come and go as she wants. But everyone was more than alright with that. 

Especially if they angered Wanda in some way. They would just hide behind Emma, or plead Emma to calm her girlfriend. Spoiler alert, it always worked. Wanda wouldn't dare touch her girlfriend with something that isn't a loving touch. 

She also made a routine of making breakfast when she was over and is fair to say everybody loved her more. If that was even possible. 

When she could she would train with them as well, only light exercises though. And after a few weeks of pleading Nat, she was finally learning how to defend herself. 

Nat also introduced them to her sister named Yelena. She was shy at first, and wouldn't talk much. But that quickly changed when Emma was in the room. It was crazy how much the 2 were alike. Making the same jokes, pranking everybody. If Emma wasn't with Wanda, she was definitely with Yelena planing a prank or vibing out to music. Or even Yelena teaching her how to shoot a gun and attack someone with a knife. (Wanda wasn't too keen on that idea, and almost threw Yelena out of the compound with her magic. But Emma quickly calmed her down and promised to only use what she was taught as a last resort.)

The team really loved this dynamic that was created in the last months. It really made them feel like they were a family. A real one. 

But something was weird though. They never saw the couple kiss, like a proper kiss or even a little peck on the lips. Yeah, they would kiss each other on the cheek or forehead, but never on the lips. 

Tony has even tried sneaking up on them when they were alone in the kitchen, but nothing. And he wouldn't be a pervert and spy on them in their private room. Like that is messed up. But he was still curious and confused. Couples kiss all the time, right?

But Emma and Wanda were kissing each other though, and quite a lot. But only when they knew they were alone. They didn't want to make anybody uncomfortable with the PDA. So they kept it to themselves. 

Tonight there was another team hang out. They will be playing games, drink (except Peter), and just have a good time pretty much. 

Right now though, everybody was scattered around the compound doing random stuff. Emma and Wanda were in Wanda's room kissing on the bed like there was no tomorrow. This was one of Wanda's favorite activities, she just loved her girlfriend's lips so much. 

Emma was on top of Wanda, legs intertwined. Her hands were under Wanda's top feeling her sides, while Wanda had one her neck, keeping her close, and the other one on her ass. Sometimes she would squeeze a little bit and would be granted with Emma's moan. 

Their tongues were battling for dominance and Wanda whined when it looked like she was losing. Wanting to keep her girlfriend happy, Emma broke the kiss and started kissing down Wanda's throat, careful not to leave any marks. This only made Wanda more aroused, so she took the hand that was placed on Emma's neck, and put it under her t-shirt, wanting to feel more skin. She also scratched her girlfriend's back, knowing that she enjoys that. In an instant, Emma let out a small sound of approval. 

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