The Embarrassments

509 17 10

25th February 2013

"Finally, it's little break!" Cheese cheers, grinning. 

We make our way out of our stuffy classroom and gladly walk to the bathrooms. 

My heart stops and I look around, instantly spotting the man in a green, woolly jumper with a light blue linen shirt underneath and dark grey suit pants which hug his muscled hips finely. Our eyes meet and he locks our gaze securely. I feel as if he is pinning me to the spot with his penetrating eyes. 

I gulp and force my vulnerable gaze some place else. 

"Hey!" My friend Alan greets me. 

I grin at him, trying to make my smile a bit attractive as I feel a burning sensation on me. "Morning, Alan! How has your day been so far?" 

He shrugs, "Ah, the usual, I suppose. How about you?" 

Cheese comes out of the bathroom and stands beside Alan awkwardly. Cheese really isn't the type for socializing, let alone standing within five feet of a human being. I laugh inwardly. 

Inside, my heart is racing rapidly and I can't even hear myself think over the thumping. I keep gulping as I find it hard to breath. 

After about ten minutes of casual chatter and laughter amongst the group of five, I see him slowly walking towards us. He looks like he's tip toeing on egg shells. 

He's coming closer!


I gulp hard and watch as his figure towers over mine with excellent height. He begins to talk to a boy beside me, Jack. I inhale deeply, almost unable to contain my over flowing unconditional love for the man standing opposite me. 

An acquaintance tries to pry me away from his company but I stubbornly decline repeatedly. Cheese subsequently catches on why and starts spluttering with laughter. I shake my head. There is no way in hell I am moving from within this proximity to him when I've waited a year to be close to him again. I don't think I could mentally handle it. 

My mouth goes dry and I'm forced to take a bite of my tuna sandwich. Whilst trying to unwrap it from the foil, some lettuce and tuna fall to the floor, right infront of the teacher on supervision. 

I bite my tongue from smiling and risk a dangerous glimpse at the love of my life, deep in conversation with Jack surrounding football and what not.

He's staring at me. 

For one second, my mind makes up a stupid image that lust was sitting in his eyes patiently. I sarcastically laugh at my inner being, 

you're pathetic. 

His eyes are deadly set on mine and I realize for the second time this morning that that was the second time I had caught him staring at me.

I scream inside with joy and excitement before snapping my gaze away from his and pick up the tuna and lettuce from the floor. 

If anything, I want to seem like a polite and well mannered girl infront of him; which I am.

The bell goes and before I can take one last loving glance at him, he's gone. I frown and Cheese chuckles. 

"You freak!" She giggles. 

I smile at her but inside something within me is trying to defy gravity. I feel like being shipped away to another land, another country, another planet with him. 

How more pathetic can you get? 

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