Chapter 29

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"When are you and Raph coming home, Kael?"

Mikael smiled happily. "In a couple days, Kir. There are a few things to wrap up, apparently."

Kirill seemed to smile as he replied, "I'm excited. I can't wait to see you guys again! I've missed you both so much."

Raphael grinned. "I've missed you too, bud."

"And of course I've missed my favorite little brother!"

Kirill clicked his tongue. "I'm your only little brother."

"Still my favorite."

Mikael heard a laugh and handed the phone to Raphael as he flopped onto his back on their bed. It was almost time to go home. He was both excited and a little nervous. Hopefully, both Gram and Charm were doing well. He had yet to call the former because his immediate family had to be contacted first with the good news.

"Talk to you tomorrow, Kirill."

"Okay, sounds good. Bye, Raph! Bye, Kael!"

The teens said goodbye to Kirill and then the call ended. They had already spoken with Annika and Anton, who were both immensely relieved that the pair were well and returning home soon. Raphael was ready to leave, but Mikael was thankful they were staying a little longer. He still had a few questions for the master.

"Do you want to call Gram now, Mika?"

Mikael turned his head and looked at Raphael as he laid down next to him on the bed. "Soon, Ael. May I have a kiss?"

Raphael's deep ocean-blue eyes seemed to glint with pleasure as he smiled. "Of course you may, my adorable Mika."

His fingers pushed into the silvery, light blond curls and cupped the back of Mikael's head, moving his own closer. Before their lips met, Mikael lifted his head and Raphael tilted his own. The kiss was gentle at first, but the younger teen straddled Mikael's hips and kissed his boyfriend more deeply. Blond eyelashes fluttered against warm cheeks as their owner looped his arms over Raphael's shoulders as a silent plea for more.

"Mika," groaned Raphael, curling his fingers more firmly around the back of his boyfriend's head.

Mikael shuddered and tensed, the grip of Raphael's fingers and the gravelly tone of his beloved boyfriend's deep voice made him shiver. His core and balls tightened as a familiar tingling sensation slithered upwards. Euphoria spread throughout the teen's form as he orgasmed with a muffled moan, trembling underneath Raphael with each shuddering breath.

"Ael," he moaned softly, melting into the bed as Raphael's lips locked with his own again.

The rough texture made Mikael's lips tingle as his tongue was nibbled on, then he lightly suckled on his boyfriend's own. The older teen pushed his fingers into Raphael's rich dark brown swath of silky waves to draw the ocean-blue-eyed teen closer.

But they had to take a break. It had been ages since they last kissed like they were on the verge of devouring and being devoured. Mikael's chest heaved while he tried to catch his breath. Raphael had his forehead on the bed near Mikael's head, but he flopped onto his side to rest.

"That was hot," remarked Raphael, still panting.

Mikael chuckled. "Agreed, babe. Gram next?"

Raphael narrowed his eyes as his eyebrows scrunched together for a split second, then he blushed and covered his face. Mikael was more than a little confused and prompted his gorgeous boyfriend to speak whatever was on his mind.

"Uh," started Raphael, still unable to look at the arctic-blue eyes pressing him for an answer. "My brain was still stuck on our kiss, so I thought you wanted to do it to Gram next."

Unexpected Attraction (BxB Fantasy) | CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant