Chapter 19

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"Crazy, isn't it?"


Gram leaned down, then grabbed Mikael underneath the armpits and lifted him off the ground for a hug. "I'm gonna make sure my bestie is safe from the bad guys. You're pretty, so you could be a potential target like Sullivan."

Mikael chuckled and patted Gram's head. "My brother seemed to think that, too. I do think that's silly, though."

Gram frowned and set Mikael onto the bleachers next to him. They were quite a few feet up off the ground, so Mikael was impressed by his best friend's strength.

"Seriously, Mikael, I'm concerned about you and Sullivan. You're literally the two hottest guys in school. It's amazing I can monopolize one of them, but it wouldn't surprise me if word got around that there are two beautiful teen boys here and those bastards want them—meaning you two—for their collection. Fuck knows what even happened to those other poor kids."

Mikael did his best to wrap his arms around Gram from the side, then squeezed his best friend. "Thank you for worrying about us, Gram. We did promise Kirill that we'd be careful."

"Promise me, too!"

"I promise—on behalf of my beloved Raphael as well—to be careful, Gram."

Gram looked very relieved all of a sudden, so Mikael patted his best friend's head. "You be careful too, okay? No throwing yourself into harm's way."

Gram laughed loudly, even slapping his knee. "Despite my training, Mikael, the only real thing I can throw myself into is my position in football. That's it."

"That's it!"

Gram frowned and raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"That's how you can get out of your frozen state. Think of yourself as being in a football game and the person holding someone else down is the one you have to crash into!"

Gram's skeptical expression was not lost on Mikael, so the shorter teen pouted in a playful manner and crossed his arms. "Try it next time in the training slash practical lessons you're taking. It's not like it will hurt your pride to try. After all, it's all in your head."

Gram lifted his left eyebrow higher, then he relaxed his facial muscles and sighed. "I guess you're right. No harm, no foul."

"Yup!" Mikael grinned, then Gram wrapped an arm around his shoulders and rubbed his head on the shorter teen.

"Geez, my bestie is adorable. I'm gonna miss hanging out with you when we graduate."

Mikael slowly nodded. "Yeah, that's true. Have you figured out what you wanna do about college? Football scholarship, community college, maybe something else?"

Gram rolled his eyes and groaned aloud. "No way, not yet. Don't make me think about that! My brain hurts."

Mikael laughed and ruffled Gram's light brown hair underneath the thick, woolen beanie. "Aw, I'm sorry." he cooed.

A moment later, Gram rested his face on Mikael's right shoulder while his head was being stroked. His tuque couldn't handle being moved around so much and eventually fell off into Gram's lap. Mikael didn't move at first, just letting his best friend rest.

Gram had been stressed as of late because he was worried about his performance and possible injuries that could take him out of the contenders for a football scholarship. Mikael's best friend had great physical ability and was very strong. But Gram was hesitating with deciding what he wanted to do going forward and sometimes he thought too much about it during the scrambles. Mikael had spotted one such time and freaked out because Gram wasn't paying attention, almost getting himself injured in a pileup.

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