Chapter 26

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"All right, where shall I begin?"

Mikael and Raphael were settled into their usual positions with the master, which were comfortable as always with their fingers locked together.

"I heard one of the soldiers call me 'Malum Essentia'. What is that?"

The master sighed. "Malum Essentia is a Latin phrase meaning 'Evil Essence' and the plural is Malum Essentiae. The ones who use those descriptors are part of a cult known as the Temple of Nemesis, of which all members strive to destroy whomever they deem to be essences of evil."

Mikael rubbed his bottom lip for a moment, then asked another question, "Are we evil because we're divergent from normal humans?"

"To them, yes. Although I am more neutral. I have done just as many bad things as good ones. Even before I took the reins of this organization, my father and I worked together to rescue those known as Malum Essentiae from the Temple of Nemesis, which I will call T.N. from now on to make it easier."

"So all of the people that Chaos brought here are Malum Essentiae?"

"Indeed," replied the master. "Do you have any questions for me, Raphael?"

Mikael's lover squeezed his hand, then Raphael firmly posed a question they had been very curious about: "Master, why did you really have us brought here?"

"It was partly because my father did want you both near him, but the other side to it was that he recognized you both as ability-users like us. It really was only a matter of time before T.N. learned of you two and had you taken, tortured, and eventually killed. I did make contact with your owners, Mikael, to let them know of your situation and that keeping you here was the best option for now because all of the infiltrations performed by T.N. have ended in complete failure."

"Ah, so that means my family knows Raphael and I are safe. But does this compound's safety have something to do with your ability, Master?" asked Mikael, gently squeezing Raphael's fingers. He received a firmer grasp as his response.

The master said yes, then explained, "There is a saying that walls have eyes and ears and that applies to me in a sense. My consciousness is stretched throughout this compound and I can see, as well as hear, whatever I wish within this place. I do have control over what I desire to see and hear, thus you do not have to be concerned about me having witnessed or overheard anything within your designated room."

Mikael flushed beet-red from embarrassment and he could guess that Raphael was feeling similarly. The master took notice and chuckled heartily.

"In any case, being able to see where intruders are and send guards to those locations is extremely helpful."

"But that's not all you can do," reminded Raphael, his deep and gravelly voice sending shivers down Mikael's spine. Goosebumps rose on his skin, too.

The master petted Mikael's curls, gently rubbing the teen's scalp. "My ability is concrete manipulation, so I can control the walls and floors of this place to do as I command. Of course, that includes the aforementioned hearing and seeing parts of it as well. This lounge room of darkness is a place of solace for me because I can rest my head—eyes, ears, and mind."

"It was very scary for me at first because of my ability," stated Mikael, "but I do recognize that it's very helpful for me to rest, as you had said."

The master chuckled. "However, I can also see in the dark if I choose to, which is something neither of you can do."

"True," rumbled Raphael. "I can sense the emotions of those fairly close to me in terms of physical distance. I also have a self-healing ability."

"A double ability user? Amazing. People like you are quite rare, Raphael."

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