Chapter 15

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"All right, explain."

Mikael was just setting down a mug of hot tea for Raphael, so he put the mini pitcher of milk next to it. He sat down on his bed across from Raphael and sipped at his slightly milky tea, sighing softly as it perfectly warmed his insides. He could sense and see Raphael's impatience, mainly because the other teen was drumming his fingers on his thighs.

"Okay,, where to start," muttered Mikael, glancing up at Raphael from his mug. "Did you wonder why the hospital's receptionist didn't ask about the name on the credit card?"


"It's related to what you want to know, Ael."

Raphael huffed. "All right. I was curious about that."

"Because it's mine. I pay the bills for that card."

"It was a nearly black card, if not actually black..." Raphael trailed off, then he straightened. "So you have a job. What kind?"

"I'm a model," replied Mikael, and Raphael started laughing. The arctic-blue-eyed teen waited until Raphael stopped laughing, which didn't take long.

"You're joking. Models don't make that much money."

"Normal models don't make a huge amount of income."

Raphael's lips pulled down. "What, are you some kind of BDSM model or something?"

Mikael chuckled. "No, not at all. Although there have been interesting pictures of me taken over the past couple years."

"Don't make me guess. Just tell me who you are and what you do for work."

"Fine," Mikael playfully groaned. "My name is Mikael Volkov, also known as 'Wolf', the number one male model of the fashion industry. I used to do catwalks and stuff for famous designers years ago, but I've been sticking to clothing photoshoots, some commercials for products slash items, and the popular calendar releases that are made every year by the company I have worked for since the beginning. Supposedly, they make billions off me alone."

Raphael was in stunned silence for awhile. Mikael set his mug down on the floor and went to a wooden chest against the wall by his window seat. He unlocked the combo and opened the chest, then pulled out the calendar from the year before.

"Here's proof." stated Mikael, handing over one piece of evidence.

There was nothing raunchy, but it certainly spelled "sex appeal" with his open shirt or shirtless body in a few of the pictures. Mikael was already legal by that point.

Raphael hesitantly opened the calendar and whispered, "Wow."

"Do I really look that different?"

"Not really. Your eyes look different because of special gold and clear contacts to get that unique iris color, I assume. It's just a little surreal that I'm literally dating a popular supermodel."

"Have your feelings changed at all now that you know?"

Raphael looked up. "No, not at all. But I would like to know more about Thorne and the company."

Mikael sighed aloud. "To be honest, I don't know what actually happened to Thorne and his family. But the company got rid of them after I asked politely, revealed all my cards, and explained why I needed Thorne and his father gone. I wanted you to feel safe at school by my side. I was also scared of Thorne, obviously, but it was more about you."

Raphael set the calendar aside as Mikael picked up his mug again and took another sip. "I know you're being truthful thanks to my ability, but it all sounds so farfetched. A clothing company that gets rid of their models' enemies? Really?"

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