Chapter 4

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"Hey, where were you Friday?" asked Gram, looping his left arm over Mikael's shoulders.

"Work," stated the shorter teen. "It's spotty, but I have to do it whenever requested."

Gram paused and halted Mikael in his tracks. The taller teen curled down and looked Mikael in the eyes. "What kind of work are you doing, anyway? That sounds suspicious."

Arctic-blue eyes gleamed as a mischievous expression appeared on Mikael's face. "I can't answer as it pertains to contract-related terms, but I will say that it is not suspicious or illegal."

Gram twisted his lips to the side. "Okay then, but now you've made me even more curious. You do not want a curious Gram on your tail, Volkov."

"Well, I would prefer to have someone else on my tail."

Gram pouted. "You big meanie, Mikael."

"Hey, I'm just stating facts." Mikael lightly slapped Gram's hard chest and then playfully winced. "What the heck do you have in there? Steel plates?"

His friend grinned. "Nah, but I do exercise with those."

"No wonder."

"Mikael!" called Grayson, making the older teen want to bang his forehead against Gram's pectoral muscles of steel and knock himself out.

Instead, he turned with a tight smile and politely greeted the younger male. "Grayson, what's up?"

"Um, can we eat together today?" asked Grayson, his stone-gray eyes flicking over to Gram.

Mikael gripped his friend's wrist before the taller teen could escape. "Sorry, I have a prior engagement with this guy."

Grayson's expression hardened. "Engagement?"

"Plans," stated Mikael, "if I must be specific."

"Oh, okay. Then after school?"

"I have to get home, but thank you for the invitation."

Grayson scowled. "When will you be free to hang out?"

"Don't know, buck-o. My free days ebb and flow like the tide." replied Mikael, hoping his weirdness would drive off the taller boy.

Unfortunately, it only served to make Grayson's approaches that much more intense for some odd reason. Just as Mikael was about to push Grayson backwards, the taller teen was suddenly yanked away. Gram and Mikael tensed, the latter feeling something like heart palpitations as a familiar rat's nest of hair became visible and Grayson's back hit the floor first.

"Can't you take a fucking hint?" growled Raphael, and Grayson's face paled. He scrambled to his feet and took off, then Gram escaped.

Within a matter of a few seconds, Raphael and Mikael were alone in the hallway. Warmth blossomed across Mikael's cheeks as he quietly thanked the other teen for his help.

"Why didn't you just tell him to fuck off? He was clearly making you mad."

Mikael rubbed the back of his head. "I kind of have to keep a low profile, but I would have punched him if I got to my breaking point."

Raphael scoffed. "What breaking point? You've got hardly any mu—!"

Mikael was tense with his skin bright red after Raphael paused, mainly because his interest's hands had landed on his shoulders and then slid down to his triceps. It was dead silent in the hallway for a few seconds, then Raphael lifted his hands from Mikael's body with an apology on his lips.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. You must have been disgusted."

Mikael knew there was no chance in hell that he would forget that moment. Raphael was so close to him that he could practically taste that spicy gingersnap scent. The sensation of Raphael's hands gripping his shoulders and upper arms nearly made Mikael's knees give way. How could he be so attracted to someone he had only spoken to twice? It had even been a full week since they'd met.

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