Chapter 18

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"There, that should be more secure."

Kirill looked up at Mikael. "Aren't you going overboard? The police are already searching for the culprits."

Mikael scowled and then hugged his stepbrother tightly. "The bastards just took another kid a week ago, Kir. Let me do this to make me feel a bit better. It's not like I'm using our electricity for this setup with these game cameras."

Kirill sighed and gave Mikael a tight squeeze. "I'm happy you're worried about me, Kael, but you're being silly. I'm not even cute or healthy enough to get taken. You should be worried about Raph and yourself."

"Kir, bad guys don't take kids that are just 'cute' or 'healthy'." stated Mikael, petting Kirill's brown hair. "There's always a reason—a bad one—behind taking kids that are vulnerable and or easy to trick. I hate to say this, Kir, but you have to be careful. There are a lot of bad people out there that want kids like you and younger screaming in pain during sexual and physical torture. They want to hear little babies wailing as their insides get ripped open and then they will happily strangle them to death just for the pleasure of watching the babies die."

Kirill's face was extremely pale and he looked sick to his stomach. Mikael didn't feel well either, but he had to say it. He continued, "Let me worry about you in peace, okay? You're really precious to me, Kir."

Kirill slowly nodded and properly hugged Mikael as he whispered, "Thank you, Kael."

"You're welcome, bud. How about you have a hot shower while I start working on dinner? Mom and Papa said they'd be a little late tonight."

"What's Raph up to?"

"He's doing schoolwork in my room. Knock before you enter if you want to say hello."

"Okay, Mama Kael." Kirill rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as he walked back the way he came.

Mikael adjusted the strap around the back porch's post, then glanced out at the relatively large backyard. The brown boards of the picket fence were both welcome and unnerving because Mikael was starting to get paranoid. He was worrying that Kirill would be taken when he wasn't looking, and he was even more concerned because his stepbrother stayed home alone most of the time during weekdays until after Mikael returned home (now with Raphael).

Raphael had settled in nicely with their family over the past couple weeks. He had gotten much more comfortable and even helped Annika cook just because he wanted to learn more, not out of feeling guilty or useless. Raphael also liked Anton and Kirill, so Mikael was very happy.

He knew his boyfriend was still thinking about a job and often hesitated bringing up the option of being a model. Mikael was basically tied down for as long as he was needed/wanted by the company since he signed a binding contract. Mikael didn't want to tie Raphael down, but he hoped his boyfriend could get some exposure and gain confidence about his appearance. Mikael could tell that Raphael was still very self-conscious, but that was understandable.

His boyfriend had started psychotherapy a week and a half ago, so Mikael noticed a significant difference in the way Raphael talked and acted around him and their friends within just a few sessions. Both he and Raphael liked the change a lot because the ocean-blue-eyed teen looked and felt much freer than ever before. Raphael was also sleeping more thanks to his sessions. That meant Mikael could sleep in on weekends with his boyfriend cuddling him, so that was a happy plus. Mikael always blushed whenever Raphael would comment on his resting expression or ask if he had a wet dream again based on the noises the teen was apparently making in his sleep.

"Ooh, smells good."

Mikael was dragged out of his thoughts the moment he heard Raphael's deep voice. "Thanks, babe."

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