Hit and Run - Chapter 9

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Johans POV

I grab A machine gun with help from Taboritsky, and Set it up on top of the walls.

The Americans were about 10 Minutes out, so we threw Defenses together as fast as possible.

We Barricaded the Doors and Emptied the Armory for weapons.

I grab my rifle, and add a scope onto it. I hide behind the thick granite that makes up the fort.

The Americans Attacked the north wall, Their bullets Bouncing off the Granite Bricks.

The Artillery the Freikorps brought rained down on the Americans, utterly annihilating the unlucky ones near the Blast.

The First wave broke, and a disorderly retreat occured. Several Dozen Americans were pinned down in the craters.

I use a Scope to look down to the gathering spot. I see a Colonel ordering others around, I am my rifle, fire, and nail the Colonel in the shoulder, he falls and Breaks neck.

The Soldiers panic and take cover. I pick off as many as I can, taking a Major, Captain, and 2 corporals.

I reload, and take cover as bullet whizzes by. I hear the Americans Charge at the walls, and me and the 4 other soldiers beside me chuck Grenades over the wall into the crowd.

An arm flies over the wall, and frightens a soldier when it lands on him.

I peek over,fire two shots into the Americans. Another wave retreats, unable to keep the pressure on.

I look over the top, and See a Green Mist approaching. Upon further inspection, the Americans that we pinned down didn't have masks, and made a break for it.

3 of them made it, and 8 threw their guns down and begged to be let in. I yelled to open the east gate, and relayed it to the Surrendered Americans.

They made it inside, unarmed. We gave them masks, and they threw them on. I yelled to Equip masks.

The masks were thrown on, and the Gas was Apon us. We fired into the Gas with the Machine guns, Killing Americans Left and right.

I heard the American Retreat Horn, and saw the Americans pull back.

Me: "Die Amerikaner ziehen sich zurück!" (The Americans are Retreating!)

The Men immediately throw their gear into the Trucks, and chauffeur the prisoners into one of the trucks.

The Gates throw open, and the men start their Trucks. We make it clear of the Fort, and American Artillery Pound the fort, destroying it.

Leyska then started talking, but it was muffled.

Me: "You need to speak louder, the mask muffles you."

Leyska: "we made it outta there in the nick of time!"

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