Extra - German Paramilitary Groups

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When the German Empire Collapsed in 1918, The Wehrmacht Scattered. Germany was shattered in defeat, Socialist Forces Took the north and Southern Bavaria, Éntente Troops Took the Rhineland, and The German Government had little to no way to enforce its will. Paramilitary Groups soon formed to restore order.

The Freikorps

The Freikorps was a Paramilitary Organization Created by German Soldiers Returning from War. It Was Fiercely Anti-Communist, Extremely Nationalist, and Was against the Treaty of Versailles.

The Spartakists

As The Communist Revolution in Russia was in Full Swing, So was it in Germany. The Spartakists, An Extremist Socialist Group in Germany. They were primarily based in the north. They were thought to have been Destroyed in the German Revolution.

The SA

The SA, or Sturmabteilung, Was the Paramilitary Force for the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or Nazi Party. They Awnser to it's leader only.

 They Awnser to it's leader only

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Many other Groups Existed, most as United Fronts between the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) and one of the Aforementioned groups.

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