Hostage - Chapter 2

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I was sitting in the Generals office, strapped to the chair. I had my gas mask on, with the Left Lens busted out from the fight earlier. In front of me was the General Bitch, and Reign.

General Bitch: "So, why did you take the Captain here Prisoner, instead of killing her on the spot."

Me: "I could ask the same with me."

General: ".. we'll come back to that. You seem to speak in a Different language, The Same one as the other Human? What is it."

Me: "like I'm telling you a way to interrogate the Corporal."

General: "... It seems the 'Corporal', Corporal Freimann from what the Guards reported, doesn't speak like the woodsmen, but you do. Why is that?"

Me: "Like I'm going to tell you that. Fick dich." (Fuck you)

Guard: "General, Should we bring the Corporal in?"

Me: "No!"

General: "Yes. He may be able to convince the Lieutenant here."

???: "Belay that order"

The general turned, and their eyes widen.

General: "O-oh! General Hokstetter!"

Hokstetter: "I'm taking the prisoner. Do what you please with the Corporal. And Captain Reign is being Reassigned effective immediately General Leyska."

Me: "NO!"

I start struggling to get out of the restraints, but get hit in the back of the head by a rifle Butt.

Hokstetter: "hmmm.... I think I'll take the Corporal too. He seems to be used if we can get a reaction like that out of him."

Leyska: "... Is it true about the Camps we used to send humans to?"

Hokstetter: "Yes. And I am going to send those 2 to one after interrogation."

Leyska: "...Men Seize Hokstetter. And get that Corporal and Reign in here."

Hokstetter: "What! This is Treason!"

Leyska: "Damn Right it is. I refuse to fight for a cause that kills innocents. It's gotten to the point where the lieutenant here wanted Suicide before he was interrogated. We intentionally put a Dud in his Vest."

An Air-Raid Siren Blares outside, Now's my chance.

I pull a button out of my Sleeve Cuff, and cut the restraint. I spring up, and grab the Nearest guard, Pulling their Bayonet out of a sheath. I hold it up to his neck, and hold him in an Arm Lock.

Me: "Drop your Weapons, Or the Guard Werde nicht nach Hause kommen!" (Won't be Coming home!)

I see everyone Drop their guns, and I slowly move to the door, carefully pick up a pistol off the floor, and leave. Once out the door, I lower the knife, and push him forward with the pistol. I slowly walk backwards from the Mutation from God's Ballsack, and keep my gun trained on him.

(Thanks to ThatLittleCreature for the 'Mutation from God's Ballsack' thing Btw)

Once around the corner, I run to the Holding Cells, and see Freimann in a cell. I shoot the lock, and kick the door open.

Freimann: "Lieutnant Schmidt?!"

Me: "Lass uns hier verschwinden, schnell!" (Let's get out of here, Quickly!)

I Hand him the Bayonet, and we both Run like hell. We turn the corner and see an exit, and start running for it.

We hear Gunfire, wherever we are, it's close to the front.

A Guard ran Infront of us, I let out 2 shot, one missed, but one hit them in the Head, I see a large group of those Mother Fuckers headed our way. We won't make it.

Me: "Freimann, Weitermachen. Ich werde sie aufhalten." (Freimann, Keep going, I'll hold them off.)

Freimann: "Aber Sir, ich wer- " (But Sir, I'm n-)


I turn back, and raise my gun


I Fire Blindly, dropping 3 Guards. I quickly grab a rifle from one, and keep firing. 4 more drop.

A bullet Whizzes by, then Another. I get hit in the shoulder, and My arm goes limp. I keep firing the rifle one handed. 2 more drop.

Another bullet hits, then another. I eventually drop from blood loss.

-3 Days Later-

I stir awake, and immediately start to panic. I couldn't see at all.

???: "He's waking up! Get the Captain in here!"

Everything hurts. The last thing I remember is shooting into a crowd of Fur's. Am I dead? Everything is hazy.

Me: "Mutter? Vater? Wo bist du? Hans? Otto?" (Mother? Father? Where are you? Hans? Otto?)

???: "Damnit he's opening his wounds! Get the Sedative!"

I feel something prick my arm, and felt extremely tired. I then hear a Familiar Voice, Reigns.

Reign?: "Hold him down! Get those wounds re-sealed! He's our only ticket out of the Jungle Front!"

Me: "Wo bin ich? Ich kann nicht sehen!" (Where am I? I can't see!)

I feel 3 Pairs of hands hold me down, and pain in my shoulder.

It's going to be a long day.

-Reigns POV-

We all finally held him down. The general has a Plan, but I don't know what it is. The human seems to be a key component though. He seems to calm a bit, and I lift the wet rag off his face. I must admit, he looks Younger than he sounds. He looks like he's in his early 20s, but sounds like he's in his late 40s.

Doctor: "He's out. Why do we have a human here anyway?"

Me: "General's Orders, not even I know why we keep him. Probably for Intel. Too bad the other got away."

Doctor: "Well, can say I don't admire it. He Fought so a Corporal could escape."

Me: "well, I'm calling it a night. See you."

Doctor: "G'night Captain."

Well, I guess I'm doing a lot of Work tomorrow.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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