The March South - Chapter 5

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-Johan's POV, A few Hours Later-

I'm sitting in the jeep, reading what I can from Half-Destroyed road signs to lead the way.

Me: "Let's see... 17 Miles... Do the math... 27.3 Kilometers.... That's about an hour out at our speed."

Leyska: "Miles? I've heard Kilometers but not Miles."

Me: "Yeah, for some reason the Americans Still use a different system of measurement. Each mile is about 1.6 Kilometers."

The sound of Battle is closer than before, and the signs of Combat are clearer. We've had to make 3 Detours already due to Artillery Destroying Bridges and roads.

A Gunshot Rings out, and a bunch of Humans, likely a Resistance Group, jump from the Trees.

I pull my pistol out, and shoot it 3 times in the air.


Alot of them seemed stunned that me, A human was with a convoy of Fur's headed to the front, With a weapon none-the-less.

Resistance Member: "What in God's name are you doing in America with THEM Lieutenant!"

Me: "Leading them to the Fron-"

Several More Gunshots ring out, and several Fur's in all Black Uniforms pop out, shooting at everyone, The Convoy included.

Resistance member: "ORDER KEEPERS! SCATTER!"

I shoot my pistols at the so called 'Order Keepers', and drop one.


(I'm pretty sure you can guess where I got inspiration for the Order Keepers)

A bullet Bounces off my helmet, and I return fire while ducking behind. The Jeep.

I was soon joined by Leyska and Reign, who each had Sidearms.

I get under the Jeep, and fire at the O.K's. 3 promptly drop.

The sound of Machine gun Firing Is heard as the Convoy has Set up a Machine Gun on the Roof of a truck.

The Battle was soon over after that, with the O.K's Retreating.

Me: "That was... Interesting."

Leyska: "Yeah, They usually aren't this far from the Factories."

Gradually, the Resistance members returned to the scene.

Resistance Member: "holy shit..."

Another resistance member, an older one with an American Uniform on, walks out with a cane and Old Revolver. One of the resistance members walked up to him and began a Dialogue.

I hear running behind me, I turn around and see a soldier jogging towards us.

Soldier: "General! Hokstetter's Escaped!"

Leyska: "What! We need to move out, He'll Send the Order Keepers after us! tell the men we're moving out again!"

???: "Leutnant Schmidt?"

I spin back around, and see Corporal Freimann, with a Rifle in his hand.

Me: "Korporal Freimann? Sind Sie das?" (Corporal Freimann? Is that you?)

Freimann: "Ja! Was machst du hier draußen mit ihnen?" (Yes! What are you doing out here with Them?)

Me: "Sie wollen sich ergeben, nachdem sie herausgefunden haben, was in den Lagern passiert ist." (They want to Surrender after finding out what happened in the Camps.)

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