Report - Chapter 7

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I Enter the base, and walk towards General Redwood's Office. I reach the end of the hall, and see his door.

I knock twice, and hear the General say 'Enter.' I open the door and walk in. I see General Redwood sitting at a Desk, a Large Stack of Paperwork on the Table.

Redwood: "Ah, Lieutenant Schmidt! I heard you had gone 40 Miles Behind enemy lines? Did you get any Information?"

Me: "Yes, Herr General. The Enemy doesn't have Detailed maps of the world. They dont know much beyond the Front. I also met up with a Resistance Group, led by a Major Michel Rhinehart. Corporal Freimann knows their Location."

Me: "And I Learned that Most Fur Troops don't know about the Camps, as they are led by a separate group, called the Order Keepers, led by a General Hokstetter, Vile Bastard. Another thing is they Know next to nothing about us. They thought we were one large nation."

Redwood: "And what of the Prisoners you brought in?"

Me: "They held me captive, but after learning of the Camps and Confirming it by asking the aforementioned Hokstetter, they Helped me reach the front and Surrendered. Though I'd be careful with Specific terminology, they don't have the names of our nations, or even our continents."

Redwood: "And what of Corporal Freimann? How was he involved?"

Me: "We was captured, like me. I held off the garrison so he could escape, I was in crutches for a few days afterwards."

Redwood: "I see... The truck driver saw you conversing with one of the Fur's, their commanding officer, what were you talking about?"

Me: "General Leyska? We were just having small talk, mainly about where we were going afterwards."

Redwood: "I see.... Well, all is in order. I'll send the order to high command, then execute the prisoners tomorrow."

Me: "WHAT! Thats against the Geneva Prisoner of War Conven-"

Redwood: "I'm well aware, and I don't care."

Me: "Then you will be hearing my appeal to the League of Nations High Command."


Me: "Wha-"

I was promptly hit over the head by a rifle Butt, and dragged away.

We reach the prison cells, and the guard opens the door, and tosses me in. I sit up with a groan, and look around. I'm in a cell with Leyska and Reign.

Leyska: "Lieutenant? Why are you here?"

Me: "*Groan* General Redwood's gone rouge. He's going to try and shoot you all tomorrow."

Leyska: "What! We need to get out of here!"

I look over my shoulder to the door, the guard was distracted, most likely spacing out. I turn to Leyska and whisper in her ear.

Me: "Pretend I'm sick, I'll knock out the guard."

And now for the part that hurts like a motherfucker. I bite my Tongue, making it bleed. I then start Fake-Coughing blood up.

Leyska: "Guard! Help!"

The guard turns, and sees me 'Coughing up blood'. He tried to reach for his keys, but couldn't find them, so he kicked the door in. He rushed in, and checked on me.

Me: "Sorry about this in advance."

I grab him and hold him in a chokehold until he passes out. I hear Gunfire outside, most likely the rest of my unit trying to bust me out. I grab the Guards M1 Rifle, and hand his sidearm to Leyska.

After Springing the rest of the Prisoners I walk to the end of the hall, and peek around the corner to see 2 guards barricading the door.

Guard 1: "Of course it's the Jerries who want to spare the fucking Fur bastards. Wouldn't surprise me if they fucked 'em too."

Guard 2: "I think they're more concerned about that Lieutenant than the Fur's."

I am the rifle, and shoot the first guard in the head.

The second guard.... Dropped his rifle and fainted.

I walk towards the guard and Corpse, and take the weapons. I drag the living guard to the Cells, and lock him in.

I walk to the barricaded door, and Kick it open to see the Courtyard. I see my unit, fighting like hell through the American Bastards in a courtyard

I raise my rifle, and fire at the Commanding american, Hitting his Torso. He drops, sending his troops into Chaos.

Capitalizing on this, My unit threw Grenades into the Enemy.

Me: "Get down!"

We all duck, and Shrapnel shreds the paint off the wall behind us.

I peek over, and the Americans are dead.

The Leader of the Group looks to me, does a double take, and points me out to the rest of the group.

Leader: "Aussehen! Der Leutnant!" (Look! The Lieutenant!)

Leyska got up, Immediately being aimed at by my Unit.


I put my hand in front of Leyska, and they lowered their rifles.

A man walks out from the group, Major Sergey Taboritsky, a Russian Exile that joined the Wehrmacht. He spoke German, and enough English to be understood.

Taboritsky: "Leutnant Schmidt? Warum schützen Sie dieses Tier?" (Lieutenant Schmidt? Why are you protecting this Animal?)

Me: "Sie haben das gleiche für mich getan. Sie haben sich friedlich ergeben und sind durch die Genfer Konvention geschützt. Gegen welche General Redwood verstößt." (Because they did the same for me. and they Surrendered peacefully, and are under protection of the Geneva convention. Which General Redwood is in Violation of.)

Taboritsky: "Nun, ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich zustimme. Aber lass uns hier raus und rein nach Kanada." (Well, I can't say I agree. But let's get out of here and Into Canada)

Me: "Nein, Kanada ist ein zu großes Risiko. Gehen wir nach Mexiko. Sie haben einen Stützpunkt des Völkerbunds in Mexiko-Stadt." (No, Canada is too much of a risk, let's go to Mexico, they have a League of Nations Base in Mexico City.)

Taboritsky: "Nun, ich stelle mich besser deinen 'Freunden' vor." (Well, I better introduce myself to your 'Friends'.)

He turned to Leyska, and held his hand out.

Taboritsky: "Hello... I am... Major Sergey Taboritsky"

Leyska shook his hand, and responded while maintaining eye contact.

Leyska: "General Leyska."

Gunshots Rang out and Reign runs into the courtyard.



So, Funni Clock man is here.

Nah but I did some research on Taboritsky before I included him. Anyway, Aufweidersein.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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