Twenty-Six | Good Life

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SOTC: Good Life by Rafferty

When the lyrics of the song show up, play it on your device at the same time. It's time-synced with the dialogue.

Really, you'll want to do this

"King Henry didn't deserve his wives." Ms. Zigenhorn made a sob and a giant sniff. "Yeah, I said it. To you, class, and the centipedes of the house I'm currently squatting in. He was a man who only plopped his fat ass on the throne because his brother had to kick the can!" She pointed at herself as she cried out, "How does a jousting Santa Claus compare to a vivacious, single twenty-two year old? I worked to where I am now— I had the same intellectual power as a trash baby! So why does he get all the bitches while the hot singles starve?"

Ms. Zigenhorn put her hands on her face, then slapped them against her thighs as she scanned the class again.

"Any questions?"

You could hear a pin drop in the History classroom. Until one kid bravely asked:

"Do we have homework?"

"Page-thirty eight through forty," Mrs. Zigenhorn said. Then she bawled into her hands again.


The clatter of the class rising from their desk to rush to their next class commenced. But all I could focus on like I had all of first period was the empty seat in front of me. One that had been the entire time.

Eventually, I tore my eyes away from it to join the others. And as soon as I got into the hall, I felt a hand graze mine with a folded paper.

I opened it.

Meet me at the end of the hallway to the left of you.

My vision whipped to the left of me to find the back of who gave me the note turn a corner.

I ran through the sea of students while saying a plethora of apologies until I was where the note took me. There I found an opened door of what looked like a janitor's closet opened ajar. But it wasn't one; only a space with a ladder bolted into the wall.

I climbed it until I was on the highest school roof. It was made of flat concrete, the borders being two feet higher than it.

Blue skies encompassed my vision like my eyes breathed them in for the first time. Clouds became life-sized as I suddenly felt as high as the soaring birds.

"Woah," I whispered.

Kolzyn walked over from a concrete block and situated himself in front of me.

"Hi." That was his first word to me in days.

Days after he led me into the Anarch territory for a new tire during a hurricane, where everyone stared at us, a boy told me he was a king, and I met the psychotic prostitute that birthed him.

And his first word to me was just, "Hi."

I debated whether to slap him or scream at him. Either one I could do this high up without reprimands or questions from anyone on why I was with the Baron's Anarch boy. Or man, I guess.

"I need your help."

Those were the next four words out of Kolzyn's mouth that made my thoughts cease.

Um— what?

"What do you need help with?" I managed to say.

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