Eighteen | Father

113 9 50

SOTC: Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding


I along with the thirty other people in Ms. Zigenhorn's classroom nearly shattered our phones on our desks, startled by her exclamation. I looked up to find her doing the Macarena as the screen projector casted a blue light on the whiteboard, which would soon be a history documentary.

As she then frolicked across the classroom in her stilettos to darken the room, I gingerly set my phone on my desk, managing to look across from me at the boy who, to my knowledge, hadn't gifted the eardrums a word today.

Not a week ago, though.

The way his lips formed the gravely sound of my name from his mouth repeated in my head during sunrises and sunsets. Its obsessive, involuntary nature alarmed me for a period of the clock, but a fun girl's night with Rosalina, Hallie, and a couple other friends they invited had eased the matter out of my main thoughts until it was an utter of one.

Anyway, just as I was about to look at my educator, a sharp exhale of the nostrils led me to turn in front of me again.

"Well you appear troubled," I released from my lips without thought as I observed Kolzyn.

Kolzyn refused to meet my gaze as he zeroed in on white parchment, gliding a pencil on it with his right hand.

I gawked at his disregard for my words. "Did you hear what I said?"


And the fiend was back to his fiendly ways!

"So why didn't you answe–" Upon glancing at the white parchment, I stopped my sentence entirely to inquire, "What are you drawing?"

"None of your business."

"No, tell me!" I whined, my intrigue skyrocketing as I tilted my head in all directions of the compass to figure it out. The search ceased, however, upon Kolzyn covering the parchment with his bulky forearms and glaring at me.

"Just give me a peek!" I whined.

Kolzyn exhaled a tornado through his nostrils, taking his arms off the paper and levitating it with one hand.

Little did this man know that I was known for my quick reflexes.

"Ah-ha!" I squeaked when I successfully ripped it from his grasp before he could swiftly descend it back to the desk.

Then I gasped.

I indeed had drank in a drawing with the blessing called my vision. Through the works of either the precision of a camera or a god, shades and various lengths of lines had gifted alterations to the white parchment to construct a portrait of a man from the collarbone up. The man's eyes had peered up, gleaming of a thoughtful outlook.

"Kolzyn, this is gorgeous," I breathed out, my eyes gleaming and lips curving in a gleeful smile.

"Respectfully give my shit back," Kolzyn ordered me.

"Oh, my apologies." I hastily slid it back to him, folding my hands on my dress like a good woman, peering away from him. "I should not have done that. Not at all."

He slid the paper the rest of the way to himself, about to resume drawing before I blurted:

"Can you draw me?"

Kolzyn's pastel eyes shot an inferno through my soul.

"Pretty please, Kolzyn!" I furthered my case, spreading my new manicure on the table as I got out faster than light, "I just learned you're a really really good drawer and I didn't expect you to be a really really good drawer and it's super exciting and I've never been drawn before!"

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