Eight | New Classmate

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SOTC: Now Or Never by Halsey

As I moved through the students rushing to their first period the next day, I wandered through the pastures of thought, particularly about dinner last night. It had taken a while for the conversations to become joyful at that occasion, but they did.

Finally, I crashed into my seat in Ms. Zigenhorn's first period History class. Mine was situated at a table to fit two people like the other seats, but unlike some of my classmates who had a table partner, I had no one next to me. It was quite alright; I liked my space sometimes.

I found Cody in his assigned one across the room talking to his table partner. Oh, the way his Ivy Football shirt clung to his arms! He found my eyes through a simple glance and we exchanged smiles. Then my eyes fell on my desk.

On the topic of dinner...

I still had to figure out a way to get an Anarch who I had absolutely no classes with and couldn't be seen talking to inside my house for dinner to fulfill my end of a deal.


How did this NOT run through my head sooner?


Before I could afford to have a panic attack, a young teacher wearing a polka-dot patterned romper frolicked into the classroom. She kicked the door shut with her red rubber rain boot, making the entire classroom flinch.

"HEY, WACKADOODLES!" Ms. Zigenhorn exclaimed, causing the class to go silent.

"Pretty weird week for la escuela, eh?" she continued. "All you squirrels talk about now is those men who got–" She made a stab motion with her hand. "Can't say the word in school!"

Even when pain stabbed me, my cringe at the stab motion and my hope in humanity when no one laughed was stronger.

"Anyways, here's an announcement! As some of you may know, Mrs. Ellia, the other AP English teacher, is eight months pregnant with a child." She made a fist with her hands and waved them in the air. "Yay!"

"Glad it's a child," a boy in the seat behind me nonchalantly goes, making students snicker.

"And she's taking maternity leave because she has a husband that loves and cares for her!" Ms. Zigenhorn fanned her face, proceeding to sigh, "I need a boyfriend."

No. You need a stylist and a name change.

"Anywho, again! Because of this, you guys are getting new classmates since the deans don't want a replacement teacher!" Suddenly, she brought a clipboard she was holding in her hand in front of her. "So let's introduce the squirrels from her nest that are now part of our chicken coop!" She cleared her throat. "Tessa Old, 'Big Peep', Scarlett NoHandsome, Karen Evergreen, and Ariana Venti, please come in!"

From the door came in four Juniors, some I've seen and haven't seen before. Some waved and smiled at me, and I returned the favor.

"Oh, one more!" Ms. Ziegenhorn looked down at her clipboard, squinting. "Typo, my squirrels! Um— Cosine?"

Sauntering into the class was the sixth person, and I held in a gasp.

Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Teaser: Daphne knows one of the new students, or maybe she doesn't..

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