Thirteen | What She Said

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SOTC: my boy by Billie Ellish

"Class, pay attention!" Ms. Ziegenhorn shouted for the bazillionth time. "I can't have a plethora of emails asking how Anne Boleyn died! I have a Tinder date tonight!"

Finally, it was Friday, and finally Ms. Zigenhorn got a man to gaze upon her for more than three seconds. However, it meant she stressed on first period History class more than usual.

"Now say it with me! One died, one survived, two divorced, two beheaded!" she shouted.

"One died, one survived, two divorced, two beheaded!" the class repeated robotically.

"Excelente." She smiled and clapped her hands. "Now work on your worksheet!"

The buzz of the class returned as my eyes immediately left my crazy teacher. Normally it would go to the passed out worksheet, today one matching King Henry's wives to their deaths, but it went to the person across from me.

Kolzyn was eyeing his completed worksheet, which he had worked on while Zigenhorn spoke.

Suddenly, the urge to just say something to him burned through me.

"Why weren't you at Lunch yesterday?"

Cody's warning penetrated what felt like a spike through my chest, but it drowned in the way those pastel green eyes peered upward upon my question.

"I met with a teacher," Kolzyn answered me after a pause.

"Which—" My sentence died as my arm accidently swung against it: my delectable, opened lemon water. As soon as the contact was made, its contents splashed onto the desk and my lap. "UGH!" I shouted immediately, recoiling.

Kolzyn didn't even flinch.

"Oh my god, I'm wet!" I exclaimed pitchily, aggressively rubbing my hand against my stained Venus dress.

"That's what she said."

So smoothly Kolzyn had commented this, his right lip upward in a grin.

I gawked.

"Don't laugh too hard," he said, picking up his pen and leaning back.

Oh. My. God. "Do you enjoy poor girls screaming Kolzyn?" I squawked, praying for strength to throw this man to Jupiter.

Until he went, "I only like my name screamed when I do the tongue thing." Kolzyn then stuck his tongue out of his opened mouth and flicked it up and down.

Then it was going to be Pluto.

"You, you, you–" I grumble-shrieked, cursing my inability to find words.

"Stay here," Kolzyn sighed, and then the fiend just left the table!

"Hey you."

I turned around, and suddenly my infuration melted from my being into a warm fuzziness as I met Cody's smile. Oh, this man derived such powers to cheer my mood in the best of times!

"Why hello, Cody," I giggled, beaming at him like I wasn't mentally ranting about how I wanted a man to get devoured by sharks or look like I peed myself.

"How's the worksheet coming?"

"Already completed." I marveled over his hair, the effortless mess it had gotten into this afternoon. "Is your worksheet the same?"


My eyebrows raised. "Cody?"

"Well, I tried to complete it. As in try to want to."

"Cody Paxton Baron!" I chided, smacking my table. "Do your history worksheet right now! I am not giving you answers this time."

"I haven't come to ask you for answers. I came to as—" His eyes widened. "Daphne, your water spilled!"

"What?" My eyes averted to my 'wet' mess then him again. "Oh, you mustn't worry about that, I'm simply unbothered by it!"

"I'll go get you some— Oh."

"What?" My head went in the direction Cody made a surprised expression at.

Kolzyn now stood two feet away from us with paper towels nestled in an arm, staring at Cody. How long had he been standing there for?

"Oh- oh, thank you Kolzyn," I got out, painful shots of embarrassment wafting into my chest.

"Hello, Kolzyn," Cody just said.

Kolzyn's tongue stuck out from the insides of his cheek for a moment. He set down the paper towels, but those pastel eyes zeroed in on Cody as his lips remained closed.

"Alright." Cody turned to me, his face bright. "Well, what I was going to say earlier is to make sure to keep your phone on."

What? That was an unusual request that made me go all warm and fuzzy inside. "Alright," I replied. "I'll be sure of it."

A smirk played on Cody's face."Until we see each other again." Then he left.

While I cleaned up my desk and myself with the paper towels, I gave Kolzyn a sheepish smile. Never once did he catch my nonverbal thanks for his aid in my mishap, though, as he watched Cody until my crush was sitting down at his desk.

Then Kolzyn just sat down and doodled on his paper again.

Team Cody or Team Kolzyn?

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