Two | Positivity

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SOTC: Good Life by Rafferty

When the bell made the final liberating ring, I with two thousand other students spilled out of the building in search of our cars until found. Within seconds, I got in the passenger's side of one of my family's black ones.

Samuel, who was my driver, and I had a pleasant conversation about the beautiful weather as he drove us though the Elites' designated part of the city before Millian Gates, an Elite neighborhood known for its greenery and raving reviews about its jovial residents. It was why my parents specifically picked it for my family to live in.

We then arrived at my home, a mansion constructed of a quartz-shaded base hinted with sandstone. It perfectly emphasized the sharp, dark beige triangular roofings, typically its largest one held by quartz pillars on each side of a grand, chocolate-colored door. 

I hopped out of the car and rang the doorbell before my bodyguard swung that door open.

"Early coming home, I see?" Williams asked, the inner Sun of his extroverted nature beaming through each syllable as he gripped the knob.

"Suppose so," I answered, smiling. "Traffic was quite ligh—"


Behind Williams, a petite girl of fourteen years had sped faster than lighting down the grand staircase, her large blonde curls bouncing with her as she gripped her stomach.

"Sabrina, how many times must I tell you that you can't run down the stairs? You scare the poor thing in your belly!" her maid called out from the top of them. Even when her vocals surely still rang after that stern warning, though, her giggles came through.

Sabrina turned to the maid. "Sorry, Beth! I'm just really excited!" Her head whipped back to me, her curls flipping effortlessly. "Daphne, it's done!"

"It is?" I called out.

"Oh, please see it!" Sabrina squealed. "I finished it after my online classes!"

"Bye, Williams!" I said to our bodyguard before I ascended the stairs and ran on the marble shade of the second floor behind Sabrina before she stopped and opened her door.

I gasped.

Feet away from me was a painting propped up by an easel, strokes of greens creating a vision of a branch donning twigs, vines, and leaves that traveled the borders of the canvas. In the center a detailed songbird flew above foliage, which had been molded by exquisite shades of blue.

"Oh Sabrina, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I sighed, my hands going over my heart as I sauntered closer to what my eyes drank in. "Your best work yet."

Sabrina giggled, rubbing her belly. "Stop it."

I'd admire my younger sister's talents until the Sun set to end the final day of Earth, who I was almost identical to in appearance. Not when it came to our hair, as mine was sand golden, straight, and long. She was gifted with long, banana blonde ringlets. Our complexion differed in that I had a slight bronze, and I used to call her snowball for her body's shade. It was the oceanic blue eyes and our symmetrical, sculpted faces Mom gifted us with that told others of our shared blood. When it came to personality, we shared high energies and radiating positivity.

Especially our positivity.

She nearly balled her irises away when she came to our parents with a positive pregnancy test, screaming the tale of how a one night stand had resulted in a life stirring inside her in Eighth grade. It had been a tsunami of shock our loving guardians and I still hadn't fully gotten over.

However, a clear, internal promise of the beautiful life she promised her baby shined through the creative outlet she took up, the plethora of her read parenting handbooks strewn throughout her vanity, and a godly honesty to our family that ultimately weaved us closer together.

Besides, a beautiful baby arriving in two months was always the prime focus.

"Hello, you two," a voice behind us rang out in velvety notes.

"Oh mom, aren't her creations just gorgeous?" I asked her when I faced who the voice belonged to.

Mom slanted herself against the doorway the second upon appearing. An emerald dress hugged her hourglass shape, complimenting her red nails showcasing themselves around an iced lemon water. Her dark, sleek hair framing her face fell to her rib cages.

"Your sister has blossomed into quite the artist," she sighed out with soft smile, making Sabrina blush.

It is then Dad appeared next to her. "Darlings," he greeted, hints of exhaustion sinking their teeth into his very word.

"Hi, Dad," I greeted him.

Sabrina pointed to his chest. "Where has your tie gone?"

"Just the laundry," Dad chuckled. "I took it off to signify that one man is home with his wife and children." He sighed, his eyes falling on the doorframe. "After quite the day hours, I must say."

"Why?" I asked.

"Client complaint." Those very words tore into my heart. Whenever Dad said client complaint, it wasn't about someone simply not being happy with their services. He meant along the lines of a customer blowing up at lower employees— Workers— or someone in higher positions only touched by Elites. Maybe even him.

Mom slid her hands down his shoulders, the curve on her face dissipating upon his face. "I'm sorry, Eric," she said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

A smile formed on his face as he wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "As long as it's for what we created, gratitude breathes fom me."

Since I was a child, I longed for a relationship just like my parents'. Sometimes when I'd play with my barbies, I'd pretend they were them on a date on one of the shimmering beaches here. Or just simply being the couple they were, the two individually complete souls better hand and hand.

"Well girls, I'll leave you to your conversations," Dad finally said before kissing my head gingerly. He then kissed Sabrina's before pointing at her stomach. "And don't think I've forgotten about you, grandchild. Love you bunches."

Then he sauntered away, and Mom followed after him.

NCT (Next Chapter Teaser): Daphne gets a gateway to confessing to Cody

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