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- Lily POV -

We were both sitting criss-crossed on the couch, right infront of eachother. "So, 4 months ago, both my father and mother died in a car accident." I looked down in my lap.

"After that happened, I had to live with my mom's sister. When my mother was around, my aunt was super nice to me. But when I started living with her, she made me do all the cleaning and chores in the house."

"I mean ,I was fine with it because, well it was just house work, plus I just needed a place to live, but it started to get way worse. She began threatening me when I told her I needed a break, and barely letting me sleep."

"I then got tired of it and told her how I felt. She got so mad at me and kicked me out of her house without letting me take any of my stuff, which is why you found me in that tent."

"Oh." was all he said.

"I normally move around the neighborhood every once in a while, staying in my little home. I actually moved next to your house last week."

"I-i just want you to know you didn't deserve that. Lily." he took my hands. "I already know you are a sweet, kind, and genuine person. You are beautiful on the inside and outside. Whatever your aunt did to you was not the way you should have been treated. I am sorry that you lost your parents too."

I quickly wrapper my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you." I mumbled.

The rain was pouring down harder. And lightning struck again, and it was louder than before. I squeaked and tightened my grip on his neck, not enough to choke him though.

Clay laughed. "Do you want more music?"

"Mhm. But you can you pick again. I still don't remember what I used to listen to."

"Ok. I'ma pick a Classic." he smirked and started playing a song. It was literally Classic by MKTO. Atleast I knew it.

Clay got up and stood in front of me. He sang along with the song.

"Woo girl, you're shinin. Like a 5th Avenue diamond. And they don't make you like they used to. You're never goin' out of style." 

He held his hand out, and I took it. He brought me to the kitchen. I sat in one of the chairs and we were seperated by the kitchen island.

"The way you saved me, who could blame me. When I just wanna make you smile. I wanna thrill ya like Michael. I wanna kiss you like Prince."

"You're crazy." I laughed.

"Come on, you have to sing along!"

"You're over my head, I'm out of my mind. Thinkin' I was born in the wrong time. One of a kind, livin' in a world gone plastic. Baby, you're so classic." I hummed quietly along with his singing.

He ran to the couch and stood on it. I stood up too, to watch him and see what he would do next.

"Four dozen roses. Anything for you to notice. All the way to serenade you."

Clay jumped over the back of the couch and almost fell to the floor. But he caught himself. I snorted and nearly died of laughter again.

"I'ma pick you up in a Cadillac." He picked me up in a hug and spun around like before. "Like a gentleman, bringin' glamour back. Keep it real to real in the way I feel."

He put me down and started dancing.

"I wanna thrill you like Michael." he slid to the left. "I wanna kiss you like Prince." he slid back to me and took my hand. "Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye, like Hathaway." he made me do a spin. "Write a song for you like this."

"You're over my head, I'm out of my mind. Thinkin' I was born in the wrong time. It's love on rewind, everything is so throwback-ish. I kinda like it, how ya. Out of my league, old school chic. Like a movie star from a silver screen. You're one of a kind, livin' in a world gone plastic." he sang these as if he were saying it to me, but he was just being silly. Right?

"Baby, you're so classic. Baby, you're so classic. Baby, you're so classic." we both said.

 "Baby, you're class, and baby, you're sick. I never met a girl like you ever 'til we met. A star in the '40s, centerfold in the '50s." 

I paused cause he wasn't singing with me.

"I don't know this part, but keep going." Clay told me, so I did.

"Queen of the discotheque. A '70s dream in an '80s vest. Hepburn, Beyoncé, Marilyn, Massive. Girl, you're timeless. Just so classic."

"You're over my head, I'm out of my mind. Thinkin' I was born in the wrong time. It's love on rewind, everything is so throwback-ish. I kinda like it, how ya." he continued.

"Out of my league, old school chic. Like a movie star from a silver screen. You're one of a kind, livin' in a world gone plastic. Baby, you're so classic. Baby, you're so classic. Baby, you're so classic. Ooh, classic"

Clay and I began laughing again as we plopped back on the couch.

"I'm a bit tired after that. I think I'm gonna take a nap in my room. Wake me if you need anything." he got up and started walking up the stairs. "Ooh and if you are hungry, just take anything from the fridge or cabinets." he added and closed his door.

I was hungry. Not snack-hungry, but dinner-hungry. I stood up to see what he had in his cabinets and fridge. After seeing everything Clay had, I decided to make some pasta!

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