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- Lily POV -

When I woke up, I was wrapped in Clay's embrace. I looked at him and it seemed like he was still sleeping. Not gonna lie, I actually liked how Clay's arms were wrapped around me. His hugs were so warming and sweet. It made me feel safe and loved.

I didn't move until Clay started waking up. I acted as if I had just woken up as well.

"Morning." he groaned as he began sitting up.

"Hey." I smiled and clicked on his phone that was on the table next to his bed. "God, it's 6 A.M." I mumbled.

"Well, we woke up early." he chuckled.

I remembered what today was and tightly squeezed me arms around Clay's body. "Happy Valentines Day!"

"Oh yea." he hugged back. "I have something to tell you, but we can wait till after breakfast." He got up and left the room. I wondered what he had to tell me, but I was too busy starving to think about it that much.

I got downstairs and Clay had taken out 2 bowls, cereal, and milk. I licked my lips and sat down in one of the chairs. 

We both ate our cereal in comfortable silence.

He brought me to the couch and he seemed to be a little nervous, which made me nervous too.

"Okay so...uhm. How do I say this." he paused. "Well basically yesterday, when we were both in bed, I guess I- realized? My feelings for you..."

I sat there, stunned. I didn't know what to say myself. "I-im sorry Clay. But I don't think I'm ready for a relationship."

"Oh." he frowned. I felt so bad.

"Nooo! I just- like. Y'know, trust issues." 

"How come?"

"Don't get me wrong, I do trust you, especially after everything you've done for me. But I trusted my aunt too, I thought she was this fun, loving, kind person, but she was the exact opposite." I looked down at my lap.

Clay took my hands into his own, which caused me to look up at him. "I'll wait for you, as long as you need me to."

It was nice to know that someone cared for me this much. In response, I tackled him into a hug. We both shared a laugh, and laid there. He played with my hair, again, as I drew shapes on his chest. 

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