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- Clay POV -

I woke up to a delicious smell coming from downstairs. I'm guessing Lily cooked something. I went downstairs and saw her plating some pasta. 

"What type of pasta is that?" I asked.

"Alfredo pasta with shrimp (or put any other type of pasta)!" she slid the plates across the kitchen island and we both sat down.

"So..." I dragged out.


"Do you maybe want to go shopping tomorrow?"

"Why? Do you need something?" she took a big bite of pasta.

"No, but you do." she looked at me, scrunching her eyebrows. "I was thinking we could buy you some clothes and some other stuff."

"There is no way that I'm letting you spend money on me!"

"I want to though. You can't turn down spending my money!"

"Yes I can!" she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Nope! I am buying you stuff tomorrow whether you like it or not. You coming with me doesn't matter. I can just go by myself." I matched her angry tone.

"Fine...I'll come with you." she mumbled while I smirked. "Only because I don't want you picking my clothes!" she added.


We both finished our pasta and put the plates in my sink. I looked at my phone and the time was 7:38 P.M. The storm was still happening so we couldn't go outside. She layed down on the couched and I stood behind her head.


"Hey." she laughed.

"Do you know what Minecraft is?" I asked her.

"Yea! I used to play it before- y'know. But I haven't played it in a while." she told me.

"Do you want to play it now?" I offered.

"Sure!" she jumped up off the couch.

We went to my room and I started to turn on my PC.

Lily was just standing there while I opened Minecraft.

"You know you can sit in the chair right?" I said.

"What about you?"

"I'm not the one playing Minecraft, am I?"

She shrugged and collapsed onto the chair infront of my PC. I leaned over her and joined the Dream SMP server, cause why not. It's wasn't like she was going to talk to anybody on it anyway. Plus, nobody was on the server.

"Don't do anything chaotic like kill people or blow up anything please. You can look around the server though." I told her.

She put her hand on her heart. "Thank you for thinking I'm good at this game." We both laughed as she started walking around the server.

I just went on my bed and started looking at Twitter to see what was new. It was about 10 minutes before Lily broke the silence.

"Someone named Wilbur Soot joined the game, Clay."

Wilbur? Wasn't it like 1:00 in the morning for England???

"He said 'hello' in chat. What do I doooo?!" she panicked.

"Don't worry." I went over to the PC and began typing an answer to Wilbur.

[Dream] hello

[WilburSoot] i need to ask you something

[WilburSoot] discord


"Ok, my friend is going to call me to ask me about something." I said to her.

"Can I meet them?" she smiled widely.

"Uhm...sure." I hesitantly agreed.


[Answer]   [Decline]

"Hello Dream!" Wilbur said as I put the headphones on my head.

"What did you need to talk about?" I ask.

"The script for the SMP."

"What about it?"

"So at the end of the wa-" Wilbur was interrupted by Lily whispering to me.

"Lemme talk to him!" she whined.

"Who was that?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh uhm...who was that you ask?" I look at Lily and she rolls her eyes. She yanks the headphones off my head and puts them on.

"Hi! I'm Lily!" she smiled while I just smacked my forhead.

"...No." she giggled.

"What is he asking you?" I said.

"...Nope he can't hear you."

They started talking more and more, and I still couldn't hear a thing. 

"I'm just gonna get a drink." I groaned, left the room, and went downstairs to get water.

Florida Storm (Dream x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя