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- Lily POV -

As soon as we got through the front door, Clay went straight for the couch and took out the phone. He started helping me set it up. I don't know why, but he seemed more excited than me.

"HERE!!!" he yelled and gave the phone back to me.

"Thanks." I laughed. The first thing I did was go to the app store and download apps like Instagram and TikTok. "What name should I put on everything?" I asked Clay.

"Hmm-" he paused. "Anything with 'Lily' in it would be good." he suggested.

"What about- uhhh. L..." I dragged the L "-otus_Lily?"

"That sounds good."

"M'kay." I went through all the apps and made all my accounts with the user "Lotus_Lily". I also added Clay to my contacts.

"What do you want to eat for lunch today???" he got up and took his own phone from the kitchen counter.

"You choose."

"Does McDonalds sound good?"

"Sure! I haven't had it since my parent's accident because my aunt didn't let me get food like that." After I said that, Clay's mouth was hanging open.

"HOW DID YOU MANAGE MONTHS WITHOUT MCDONALDS!!!!! I AM ORDERING SOME RIGHT NOW." he quickly started tapping on his phone. I think he was making an order or something. Meanwhile, I just laughed at him.

A couple minutes later, he slid his phone into his back pocket and took his keys from the bowl. "You wanna come with or stay here?"

"I'll stay here." I told him and got more comfortable on the couch, laying on it.

"Okay. I'll be back in like 10." and he shut the door. 

I looked up at the ceiling, and just thought about some random stuff. Then, Wilbur came to my mind. I had fun talking to him the other day, partly because it made Clay mad, but also because he seemed like a really nice person. 

I got up from the couch, took my phone, and ran upstairs to Clay's room. I sat in his chair and turned on his PC. I used the mouse and clicked on discord, and began calling Wilbur. I was hoping he wasn't busy or sleeping. 

After a few rings, Wilbur did answer. "Hello?" a muffled deep voice said.

"OH! I'm sorry did I wake you?" I apologized.

"It's fine. But you're not Dream..."

"It's Lily."

"Oh hey. Why'd you call."

"So today me and Clay went shopping because he insisted and he got me a phone. We just set it up."

"Uhm- nice?"

"Oh yea. I meant to ask for your number. So I can talk to you without using Clay's PC."

"Sure. Lemme get my phone." I could hear him rolling his chair around. "Ok. It's (RANDOM NUMBER)."

"YAY! Thanks!" I smiled, even though he couldn't see me.

"Where is Clay now?" Wilbur asked.

"He's getting McDonalds. I told him that I hadn't eaten it in months and he went crazy." I giggled. Soon, I heard the door downstairs open, meaning he was back.

"Shoot. He's back. Gotta go. Text you soon. Bye." I quickly hung up, without waiting for an answer, and ran out the room while smiling.

Clay must have saw my smile after coming out his room cause he asked me about it. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." I placed my phone on the counter and tried to change the subject so he wouldn't ask anything else about it. "What did you get?"

"Fries, Nuggets, 2 Big Macs, and a large Coke." he answered.

"GIMME THE NUGGETSS!" I tried to reach for it but he held it up in the air with his hand. I couldn't reach it because I was too short.

"No. Not until you tell me what you were doing."

"Damn. Thought you forgot about it." I whined.


"Fine. I was...on your computer." I technically wasn't lying.

"Doing what?"

"UGHH! I was calling Wilbur."

He scrunched his eyebrows. "Why?"

"To get his number." I mumbled.

"Why do you need his number?" Clay scoffed.

"Because...WAIT. Are you jealous?" I teased.

"WHAT? No! I just don't know why you would need his number."

"Well I wanted it so I could have another friend besides you." I told him.

"Fair." he lowered his arm and gave me the nuggets. I rapaciously opened the box and popped a nugget in my mouth. It gave me memories back to when I would eat these with my parents.

"Mhm. Just like how I remember it." I said.

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