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- Clay POV -


"Oh my god. Why does there have to be a storm today!!!" I complained while on a discord call with George and Sapnap.

"Hopefully your power doesn't go out or you'll be all lonely." Sapnap joked.

"I'm going to start getting stuff ready incase that DOES happen. I'll call you guys later."

"Bye." George and Sapnap both said.

I swear, hurricanes and thunder storms are terrible in Florida. It just annoys me, especially having nobody here with me.

I took some extra blankets and pillows from my upstairs closet and brought it downstairs. I still had tons of food since I went shopping the other day.

It was 1 P.M, which meant about 2 hours before the storm starts. Although...sometimes it can be earlier. Maybe I should check to see if the clouds formed yet- just in case.

I opened my front door and looked at the sky, nothing so far, luckily.

I heard some rustling to the left and turned my head to see what was happening, but nothing was there. I walked out of the door frame to get a better look. That was when I saw a tent, probably with some animal in it. But was it always there???

I went closer to the tent to see what was inside. It wasn't an animal, it was a person. A girl.

"Uhm...hello?" I softly said.

She got startled and turned her head around to look at me. Her hair was all tangled with leaves in it, her clothes were ripped on the sides, and her face was covered in dirt. "Ohh, i'm sorry. I didn't know you were there."

I immediately noticed her hoarse and dry voice. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, politely.


"Do you not have somewhere to stay?"

"I do." she paused. "Here."

"There is a storm in 2 hours, so I am not letting you stay out here in your...tent. Come with me." I offered.

"Oh, no no no. I'm fine. I don't want to be a burden." she quickly said.

"I insist. Now, come." I put out my hand for her to grab. She looked at it and hesitantly took it. I laughed. "Sorry, I forgot to mention. My name is Clay."


I walked her inside my house. "Do you want to take a shower?" I asked.

"If you wouldn't mind. I'm quite dirty if you couldn't tell." she giggled. Ill be honest, it was cute.

"Follow me." I lead her to where the upstairs bathroom was. "Ooh, wait. Let me give you some clothes."

I ran to my room and took my smallest long-sleeved shirt and some sweatpants. I also took a brush that I saw on my desk, and went back to her. 

She had already turned on the shower. "Here you go, I hope these fit." I said as I gave her the stuff.

"Thank you so much." she took the things, went in the bathroom, and locked the door. I went back downstairs and started making the both of us some food. I figured she would be hungry. 

I made some scrambled eggs and got us both a cup of water. I plated the two eggs and slid them in front of the chairs on my dining table. I decided I would wait for her to finish showering until I started eating.

In the meantime, I plopped on my couch and went on my phone. I just went on twitter and liked some fanart and looked at some stuff that was trending. About 20 minutes later, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I turned around and saw her. She was beautiful. She had shiny hazel eyes and brown hair with light brown highlights. The baggy shirt and sweatpants looked good on her.

"Hi! I made some food." I got up from the couch and went to the dining table to sit down. She followed me and sat across from me with her plate.

"Mhm! This is so good." she took a sip of her water and cleared her throat. "I feel bad for intruding." Her voice was much smoother.

"No worries, I wanted to help." We sat in, comfortable, silence as we finished our food and drinks. She yawned.

"Are you tired?"

"I can go back to my tent." She smiled.

"I am not letting you go back out there." I raised my voice a little, but not too much. "You can sleep in my guest bedroom."

"Are you sure?" she questioned.

"I would honestly enjoy the company. I always get lonely in here." I got up and took a blanket and a couple pillows that I left on the couch from earlier. "If you need to, you can stay for however long you need."

"Are you sure? We just met." she asked.

"Of course! I was gonna look for a roomate soon anyway." I lied, to make her feel better.

I went upstairs to the guest bedroom, her close behind, and put the extra blankets and pillows on the bed. The guest bedroom had a similar PC setup as mine, but smaller since Sapnap would sometimes visit. 

"I really appreciate this. I mean, everthing." she told me.

"Of course, I really don't mind. I'll be in my room if you need me. It's the room to the left. Have a good sleep." I closed the door slowly and went to my room. Wait till Sapnap and George hears about this.

Florida Storm (Dream x OC)Where stories live. Discover now