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- Lily POV -

"He just left the room to get a drink." I told Wilbur.

"Can I learn a little more about you?" he asked.

"Sure! Well, my name is Lily. I am 22 years old. And I am living with Clay for now, because he found me on the streets." I said awkwardly.

"First off, hi Lily! My name is Wilbur, and I am 26 years old. And second, why were you on the streets, if I may ask."

"Nice to meet you Wilbur! I was on the streets because I moved out of my abusive aunt's house."

"Mhm. I see." he said. "Well, it's like 1 AM over here in England so I think Ima go."


"Yea. I live in England."

"That's cool!" I smiled.

"Cya Lily. Hope to talk soon."

"Bye! Also don't tell anyone about me. Only Sa-something and George know." He laughed at my attempt to remember Clay's other friend's name and ended the call.

I went downstairs to see what Clay was doing. I saw him leaning agaisnt the counter, looking at his phone.

"Hello." I said.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something. I am bored."

"Sure!" I ran to the couch and fell onto it. He followed me and sat right next to me after grabbing the remote.

"What are we watching?" I asked.



About 20 minutes into the movie, I was getting cold and started shivering. I think Clay saw me because he got up and went upstairs. He came back with a blanket.

"Here." he said, tossing it.

"Thanks." I threw the blanket over me while I curled into a ball.

"Hey!" he pouted. 


"Are you not going to share?" Clay chuckled. He sat, close, next to me, and stayed under the blanket, curled in a ball too.

- Clay POV -

After 2 hours, I felt something touch my left shoulder. For some reason, I was scared to see what it was. I was relieved to see it was just Lily's head. 


She must've fallen asleep and fell onto my shoulder. I didn't want to wake her by moving, so I stayed sitting down as I tried to fall asleep myself.

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