Chapter One -Saint Atrize's Festival

Start from the beginning

I watched for a while to make sure my directions were obeyed, and once I was sure, I turned my attention back to the governor.

He resumed the interrupted conversation, "When did this occur?"

"About three days ago. I apologize again that we weren't able to inform you before we arrived, but we had no means. In any case, we had made a quick stop at the island of Paranon to pick up a small load of books from the Librarian there. After a long talk with her, Gladys returned to the craft seeming disoriented. The delirium and fever set in twenty-four hours later. "

"That seems most suspicious." Jatron Path's thick eyebrows drew into a sharp vee over his eyes. "Was Head Librarian Helen questioned?"

"She was, but they were in full view of all of us while they spoke. None of us saw anything to suspect. "

Governor Path rubbed his jaw, still puzzling over the mystery. "I will conduct my own investigation and let you know what I find."

"I am in your debt, Governor. Head Librarian Gladys was the closest I had to a mother. I am suspicious of the mice we found in our ship as well." I explained to him the reason why we couldn't send for word or help.

"Yes..." his countenance grew darker. "That is most suspicious. I will order the Denver to be sealed for a complete inspection."

My older cousin, Darla, appeared from the Denver. She had just turned twenty and had been appointed a receiver just recently. Receivers cataloged all sought books and signed the receipts on behalf of the Library. According to the gossip among the crew, she had allowed her position to go to her head. They complained that she was obnoxious in her behavior because she was overly bossy and insolent, which made them dislike her.

Darla had a nose so pinched and high that it always seemed like she was smelling something awful. She wore her Ash blonde hair in a severe ponytail, which, along with her downturned lips, made her appear very stern. She was several inches taller than I, which she liked to use to make her seem more imposing.

"Governor Path, I see that you've learned about Lady Brightgarden." My cousin gave Jatron an ingratiating smile, then stood next to me and looked down her nose in my direction. I was used to her looking down on me, ruined noble that I was, but how dare she insult Head Librarian? Before I could open my mouth to berate her, Governor Path spoke up.

"My heart is rent in two for the loss of Head Librarian." He gave Darla a pointed look for not addressing my mentor with her proper title.

Darla Martin placed her fist against her chest and bowed in silent apology. Then she said, "Head Librarian had a long career and was worthy of her position. It's better to have Well Born adults in places of authority, don't you agree, Governor?"

I was going to hear this again, was I? Darla had been livid that I took over command as acting Head Librarian when Gladys died.

Governor Path shook his head. "As long as one understands one's business, age or status shouldn't matter. Our friend Solace seems to understand it quite well and doesn't require oversight or instruction."

Darla's contempt oozed from the look she darted at me. "Indeed. She's young and impulsive. Why, Head Librarian was not even cold yet, and she was acting all high and mighty, taking over command. We lost a whole day going off to Janesport on her whim."

"Darla..." I couldn't believe she was badmouthing me like that.

"As a Librarian, it was within her right to assume command when Head Librarian died." The governor harrumphed at her.

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