Chapter 19 - The Devils Touch

Start from the beginning

"Don't like it? Divorce me."

With the dry amusement in his eyes, I can't stop a little smile from forming. I look out the window, and feel his gaze on the side of my cheek. I can already hear what he's thinking.

Until I say so, you're not going anywhere.

My nails tap against the side of the door and once we get to the Taco Bell drive through, we order our tacos and head home. I don't know what he got but I ordered a grilled steak taco, I was in the mood for something meaty so it was perfect.


I stomp downstairs to the kitchen to eat my taco, telling myself I'm never doing anything for anyone ever again.

Me and Silas separated the second we stepped foot into the house. I changed into my pyjamas and a sweater, and headed straight to Bianca's room to give her the file I stole.

I thought she'd be a little appreciative, but no. She took the file and closed the door on my face. So much for saving a life.

I'm starting to realise...I really shouldn't have stole from Silas.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but I guess I just wanted to help Bianca. Chewing on my lip, I enter the kitchen, stopping when seeing Silas leaning against the counter. Hands in his pockets, wearing a cool yet calculating expression.

I couldn't tell if he knew what I did, or if he was figuring it out.

Either way - It wasn't good.

Swallowing, I avert my gaze to the ground for a second before he steps closer to me. I widen my eyes and creep back, praying he doesn't know what I'd done.

"I'm hungry, don't you have lives to ruin?" I spit out.

"I'm looking at one now."

He comes towards me, and doesn't stop until he's in front of me, until my back touches the wall near the kitchen entrance.

My head tilts up the nearer her draws, and the rough material of his coat almost touches my sweater. "Or do you want me to spare you." He rasps, voice deep yet silky. I'm starting to wonder if his voice alone is compulsion enough. If that makes the men obey and not training.

I wet my lips, but my tongue is so dry. He knows. He knows I stole from him, and he's doing this to torture me.

He places a palm above my head, further locking me in between his body and the cold wall behind. I clutch tighter onto the sleeves of my sweater, holding a breath when he moves closer and his scent rolls off of his movement.

"What do you want."

His lips brush my hair. Voice so close I can feel it in my every nerve ending. "I want to know who you are. I don't believe this coy act you give me."

"Believe it. Its me."

"No. There's something you're hiding."

His body presses against mine, making me hold my breath.

"I've been around enough women to know that you...are not a good girl Catalina."

I'm starting to think he says my name like that on purpose, just to set me off. He's the only one here who says it accented, the word gruff yet seductive.
I gulp. "I am."

He exhales lightly, so close to my hair I can feel the heat against my head. I try to slide out from under him before his fingers are in my hair, locking me into place. "Spit it out."

"Go to hell."

A quiet chuckle comes from his throat and I feel the flush up my neck. "You wanna know what I do to people who steal from me?"

"No." I breath, voice shakier than I intended.

"I cut their hands off."

What he doesn't know, is that I'm actually not intimidated by his words. I'm more focused on his proximity, on the confusing sensation it gives me.

"And do you wanna know what I do to people who irritate me?" I mutter, before pushing on his chest and shoving him away. My skin burns as he watches me walk to the counter where I left my taco. I pick it up, reluctantly glancing at him over my shoulder.

Silas looked taken aback, a glint of curiosity shining at me from his eyes. His tie loose. Shirt untucked from his pants. He narrowed his eyes a little, in a distant, thoughtful look.

I slowly unwrap my taco, not liking the silence that has come between us. Usually I endured it - it was better than interacting with Silas. But now, its like an uneasy itch I have to get rid of.

"You once told me you needed me..." I pause, regretting speaking already. "Why?"

As if he wasn't expecting that question, he his jaw ticks a little and he slowly heads to the door. Before leaving he stops, looks back at me with hard eyes. "You're my weapon. Nothing more, nothing less."

And he's gone.

I'm not even surprised. That's all I am to him, a weapon. A pathetic weapon at that.


The next morning...

Tissues everywhere. Sunlight seeping in from the little window above the toilet, burning into my eyes. I groan, clutching my stomach again as I'm struck with another wave of cramps.

This is agony. The worst form of torture possible. I don't know what I feel like doing more, throwing up again or falling asleep on the soft bathroom mat.

My groan grows louder and Silas says something from the bedroom. "Be miserable more quietly yeah?"

Determined to go back to bed where I can annoy him even more, I gather my strength and stand, leaving the bathroom and getting into bed.

His eyes are closed, though when I pull the covers over myself he flickers them open and furrows his brows. When I clutch my stomach again, he lifts himself up on his elbow.

"You're ill." He says before scanning my face. It turns out that those tacos really weren't as good aa they tasted. He puts the back of his hand against my forehead and then pulls back, muttering a curse before pulling his phone out.

"We can't go to Russia today."

"Why not?" I ask, but he doesn't reply. I'd feel guilty for ruining the plan but even Silas looks a little unwell, with his skin paler than ever. I wonder if his taco was fine or not.

He types something on his phone, sets it down then gets out of bed. I don't know where he is, I'm violently shivering, close to passing out.

I'd been throwing up all morning and now my body was weak and sore. Silas stops behind me, running his fingers through my hair, moving it aside and leaning over the bed to inspect me.

He says something in Italian before leaving the room. Good riddance. My eyelids grow heavy, so heavy I just blink and he's back with a tray of everything I can think to eat.


Authors note: I've been really inactive the past month and I apologise, but I'm back! Anyway thank you for your support!!

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