The Queen

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The group of, now seven, went back to the mothership. Marissa had contacted them and said she needed some time, so they left without her. When they returned to the mothership they weren't expecting the welcome they recieved. Many Yautja greeted them. They all let out celebratory roars when Claire, Nadia and Blade unboarded. Claire and Nadia were shook, Blade, however was normal. "What is all this for?" Nadia asked. "You killed a Kiande Amedha queen, mate. By our standards, you are greater than myself and Archer now." Blaze answered her. "Besides you, Seară killed the hybrid. Claire took many trophies, and even freed one of our own." Archer added, Blaze nodded his head once. "But we didn't take any trophies or souvenirs from that." Nadia said. Blaze responded by tapping a claw against his bio-mask. "They know." He simply replied. "But it almost killed us." She said again. "But it didn't. Even if it had you'd still be remembered, Nadia." He told her. Nadia clung to his waist, or at least she started to. One second she was standing and the next she was lifted up onto the shoulders of other Yautja. They did the same thing with Blade and Claire. The Yautja paraded them around for a bit, the roars only getting louder. Claire and Nadia couldn't help but laugh. They hadn't ever seen the Yautja break their character before. Knowing they could celebrate and have a good time just like humans could made them happy. It wasn't always about sacrifice, missions, glory and honor. Claire and Nadia smiled brightly. Roxy of course joined right in with the celebration. Archer looked down at her. He grabbed her waist, and lifted her up and over his head so she was sitting on his shoulders. Roxy just cheered more. Yautja couldn't smile physically, but their eyes could at least reveal it. Currently Archer and Blaze were swelled with pride, and smiles in their eyes. The Yautja all carried them to their ceremonial hall. Noian, the Shaman, and the Elder were all waiting there. When Claire saw the Shaman she smiled brighter and waved at him. The Shaman bowed his head to her. To everyone's surprise, Raptor was there, and Marissa was standing beside him. Even Eli and Alec were there. Beside Noian, a pregnant female Yautja stood with a baby Yautja cradled in her arms. She was grey like Archer, with the markings of Blaze. Roxy gasped. "That's you're mother?" She asked. Archer nodded. "And she's holding?" Roxy questioned. "Our baby brother. She birthed him while we were doing our Chiva." Archer answered again. "And she's pregnant again? Your father is relentless." Roxy commented. Archer snorted. "What makes you think my father incites it?" Archer chuckled. Roxy made an O with her mouth. "But she looks like she should be so sweet..." She added. Archer scoffed. "Our females are many things and sweet is not one." He retorted and Roxy burst into laughter.

When they reached the front of the ceremonial hall, Archer and the rest of the Yautja put the four individuals back on their feet and stepped away. The female Yautja made a gesture with her head to Archer and Blaze. Archer and Blaze approached her. When they did she passed the baby to them. They of course took him, since they hadn't gotten the chance to meet him since he was born. She bowed her head to Blade and Blade returned her gesture. Then her green eyes fell on the three females. She began to walk circles around them, and honestly the humans never felt more threatened. "You have been with my sons for long. Why am I not yet a grandmother." She dead panned. Nadia and Roxy both snorted and quickly covered their mouths. She looked at Blaze and Archer. "Are you two performing poorly in the mating chambers?" She dead panned again and Roxy couldn't contain the laughter. Nadia had her lips pursed and eyes closed trying to hold back her laughter. Archer and Blaze simply shrugged. "Mate... They are different species." Noian tried to defend. The female scoffed. "Different species is no excuse. I want my grand babies." She said stubbornly. "I can assure you Gheaţă performs very well in the mating chambers." Roxy decided to save them. The female looked at her, then to Nadia. "Zgură too." Nadia said as she felt her face heating up. The female nodded in approval. "...May I?" Nadia asked quietly. The female looked at her curiously and Nadia looked to the baby. The female nodded and Nadia smiled going to Blaze who was currently holding the baby. Blaze lowered his arms so Nadia could see. Nadia smiled brightly. His back was black, his abdomen was grey, and the stripes looked like the stripes Blaze had, but they were orange and blue. Nadia looked at the queen and she smiled. "He's beautiful too." The queen dipped her head in gratitude. Claire and Roxy went over to see too. Blaze handed him to them so they could take their turns holding him. Claire noticed Shark was looking curiously. She smiled, tapping Nadia's arm. When Nadia looked at her Claire motioned to Shark with her head. Nadia walked over to Shark and passed the baby to him. Shark trilled as he held the baby. Claire went to Noian whispering to him. Noian nodded as she spoke. "Sineală." Noian said and Shark looked at him, bowing his head. He passed the baby back to Nadia. "If you are fine with it. Claire and Seară would like to care for you." He said. Shark glanced to Claire and Seară. Claire smiled at him brightly and tenderly. Shark nodded once. Claire squealed and she rushed to Shark hugging him tightly. Shark hugged her too. Blade cooed watching his mate embrace their now adopted son. She definitely didn't have that discussion with him. He'd have said yes regardless though. "In celebration of their achievements, tonight, we feast!" Noian announced. As usual the ceremonial hall erupted into roars. The girls cheered right along with them. After that, everyone was dismissed to begin their preparations for the party.

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