Happy Ending Nightmare

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I am so sorry. That's embarrassing 😂 I'm hot now. I definitely did not mean to push the publish button while this was only at 1500 words with "dhdjk" as a title! But thank you for voting all the same 😂 I was just in my kitchen ya know, making dinner and then I come back to find I published a chapter! Please love my story still 😂😂😂😂😂 Also 18+ and trigger warning.

On their way to the training arena they passed many Yautja. A lot of the Yautja did a double take. Seeing fully armored versions of themselves, clinging to the normal version, was quite a sight to behold evidently. "By the way... Since you all have passed the training. You're permitted to go to the wedding of your friends." Archer randomly said and the girls grinned. "Glad we see eye to eye. But I'm not going to go easy on you. I'm looking forward to pegging." She said smugly. Archer arched a brow, but he nodded. When they arrived at the training arena, Roxy didn't waste a second and attacked Archer. Archer quickly dodged. He gave her an expression that screamed "really?" Roxy snickered. Archer pulled out his combi-stick. He made it extend and then sank into a defensive stance with a growl. The other four observed from benches. Claire and Nadia glanced at Blade and Blaze. Blaze seemed to just be enjoying the show, as he leaned slightly forward with his elbows resting on his knees. Blade seemed to be analyzing though. Nadia lightly tugged on Blaze's netting. He looked at her. "I sit here?" She asked quietly, pointing to his lap. Blaze straightened, moving his arms. Nadia grinned and slid onto his lap. She leaned back against him. Blaze wrapped his arms around her. "How to deactivate this?" She questioned. "For now, push this." He said as he pointed to a button on the gauntlet. Nadia did as he said and the armor retracted once again just becoming the oversized wrist gauntlet. Claire did the same to retract her armor. "What do you mean for now?" She asked. "The engineers are in the process of creating and coding a chip. It will have a built-in translator that will allow you to understand our language. It will also translate what you say so that we understand you. Additionally you won't get nauseous when we jump. Also the suit will respond to your wishes based on brain waves. For example when you want it to deactivate or want the plasma castors to fire, it will do those things for you. Without you having to push or say anything." Blaze explained and Claire and Nadia's mouths both made the O shape. Now that was the most he had ever spoken since they met him over six months ago. Normally Archer explained those sorts of things to them. Just another way that strengthened the point that he and Roxy were soulmates.. Also that Archer was the male alien Roxy, and Roxy was the female human Archer. Although she was sure her and Blaze, as well as Claire and Blade were soulmates too. They just completed each other, and seemed to be exactly what the other needed.

Nadia leaned back slightly and kissed under Blaze's jaw before watching Archer and Roxy again. Claire glanced at Blade and tugged on his netting. Blade looked at her. "Can we spar too? I want to be as good or better than you so that I can protect you sometimes for once." She asked softly and Blade nodded. The pair stood up and also went to an area of the arena. Claire made the suit reactivate and she grabbed a combi-stick. Blade pulled both of his katana from his back. Instead of wielding each one separately, he put the grips together. He pressed a button and the handles attached to each other forming his special version of a combi-stick. It was a double edged spear, and the blades on each end were the Katana. Claire slightly jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me." She said. Blade held the weapon in a defensive stance. If he had been wearing his mask as well, he'd be incredibly intimidating. However, she could see his eyes so she knew he was still her sweet Blade. She just had to be careful she didn't trigger Beznă's muscle memory as the Shaman had said. When she was ready she attacked. Somehow she was faster, stronger, and she felt more coordination. This had to be the effects of the suit. Her combi-stick clashed with his weapon. The force would've knocked her back any other time. But this time she didn't flinch. Although neither did Blade. Now she was worried they had only seen a fraction of their capabilities because they were going easy on them. Meanwhile Nadia didn't understand why Claire and Roxy wanted to fight with their Yautja boyfriends so bad. The span of their life had potential to be very long. However, there were reasons gray haired Yautja were few and far between. As tough as they were, they still lived life dangerously. The older Yautja had a lot of respect for reasons. She wondered why fight them so much when they mostly died young. Enjoy the time you had through more than sparring. She hoped these three, especially Blaze would live long enough to get gray, but she knew just as well it was a pipe dream. Nadia snuggled tighter against Blaze. He of course let her and adjusted his hold on her. Nadia smiled and closed her eyes enjoying his firm body and warmth. She even fell asleep on him.

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