Wedding Crashers

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The day of the wedding had finally arrived. The Yautja merely watched as their mates got ready for the big day. The trio was already in their netting and full armor with their Bio-Masks nearby. The ladies however were dressed and working on their hair and cosmetics. They had given each other something known as "mani-pedis" the night before. After researching the terminology the hunters has discovered it meant manicure and pedicure, which basically meant they painted their nails among other things. The three males didn't quite understand the appeal or the necessity of doing that, but it made their mates happy so it was what it was. "So did you figure something out?" Roxy questioned. Archer looked at her and shook his head. "We will be there. Just cloaked like usual." Archer replied. Roxy groaned. "But we wanted to show off our giant boyfriends." She complained. Archer shrugged. "Claire is going to be super depressed." She stated. "We are going to be there. Just not visible." Archer said again. Roxy huffed. When the girls were all ready, the three of them, their boyfriends and şoc all boarded Blade's spaceship. "I don't see why I have to come along." şoc said, but in their language, so it was just a series of clicks and other noises. He was beginning to contend with Blaze as far as being a sassy woodpecker. Nadia started giggling. Blaze looked at her with an arched brow. "I always called you a sassy woodpecker, but I think he has you beat." Nadia admitted. Blaze tilted his head. Since when had he identified as that? Nadia giggled more. As soon as everyone was situated, Blade made the ship take off, and they headed towards Earth. Now all Yautja had their Bio-Masks on. As usual, if the girls were unfamiliar with them, and didn't know them, or weren't mated to them they'd be intimidating without even trying. That said, şoc was still intimidating because they didn't know him much at all. Aside from the fact that he was a loyal, stubborn, badass of course. Nadia thought Blaze was insane because he took out those four marines, but şoc had taken out a dozen armed men before the girls even got everyone evacuated. To some extent Claire wondered if Blade and şoc chose to fight seriously who would win. She would bet on Blade, but she felt they hadn't even scratched the surface on what şoc was capable of. He took torture like a champion, and kept fighting back even during that. She kept glancing between şoc and Blade tapping her arm thoughtfully. şoc was currently meditating it looked like. He felt the stare and he turned his head in Claire's direction. He threw his arms up slightly, almost as if he was asking "what?" or maybe even "wanna fight?" Claire shook her head. "Calm down. I'm just wondering, if you and Seară fought who'd win?" Claire admitted. şoc just shook his head and went back to meditating. Claire looked at Archer and Blaze. "What do you two think?" She questioned. Blaze and Archer glanced at each other, before shrugging. "Ask them to spar sometime and find out." Archer said. Blaze nodded. Claire nodded thoughtfully.

They entered Earth's atmosphere. Blade typed into the dashboard pulling up the coordinates of the wedding. He began to pilot the craft accordingly. How he knew where to go without any sort of map was beyond the humans. When the location was within sight Blade seemed to be scanning the surrounding area. He tapped his blunt claws against the metal of the dashboard. Evidently he wasn't a fan of their options. He ended up going behind the building to a secluded area away from prying eyes. He lowered the ship, but didn't land it. He pressed the button to drop the ramp. Claire looked at him, a little concerned. "You're not coming with us?" She questioned. Blade signed: "I will land a few miles from here. Then we will come to you." Claire nodded. The girls all unboarded. When they did, Blade closed the door behind them. The only sign they had taken off being the slightest breeze blowing through their hair. "Why do I feel we were just abandoned?" Claire questioned as she stared where the ship once was. Roxy nudged her. "They will be around. Come on let's find Marissa and the love birds." She urged and then she grabbed both Claire and Nadia and took them around the building. As they entered there were more than a few beautiful and eccentric gowns. It was giving more prom, The Oscars or even Met Gala vibes than a wedding. "Do you think they really wanted something this flashy? They never struck me as the types." Nadia mentioned. Roxy shrugged. "Eli maybe. But this is definitely more than I'd guess from Alec." She replied. Soon their eyes landed on Marissa and they all grinned and hurried over as quickly as heels would allow. They all hugged her. "Where are the guys?" Roxy asked. Marissa grinned and lead them to their dressing room. "Eli is freaking out. Alec has been trying to calm him down for an hour." She said as she giggled. When they entered Alec was just rubbing Eli's shoulders. "What if I mess up the vows? What if I say waffley instead of lawfully. I'll never be able to show my face in public ever again!" Eli complained and covered his eyes. Roxy snorted. "If you do say waffley it'll be hilarious. Make the day that much more memorable!" Roxy attempted to console, and Eli gave her a look that screamed "Really?" Claire ushered Roxy aside. "You're not going to mess up. You'll do as great as you look." Claire comforted. Eli looked at Claire and nodded. Through the combined efforts of everyone Eli eventually mellowed out enough to focus.

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