Prelude to Hell

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"You guys it sounds dangerous." Marissa said as she looked at her friends. Her three friends just shrugged. "You're dating huge aliens that fight and hunt for a living. Just let them handle it. Why do you need to help?" She stated. "They're not immortal, Marissa. As badass as they are, they can't handle everything alone all the time." Nadia defended. "And I don't want to lose him again." She added. Marissa sighed. "I get it, girl. You all love your alien boyfriends. But why does that require you all to put yourselves in danger? Their women are even tougher than them, and they aren't doing this so why do you have to?" She argued. Roxy huffed. "We don't have to, and they don't want us to take the risk either. But we have chosen to and we aren't going to take no as an answer." Roxy said. Marissa just shook her head. "We can't just sit back and do nothing, Marissa. We aren't like that. If you had one you'd understand better." Claire said unapologetically. Marissa just shook her head and went back to reading, clearly worried and even more disappointed. The trio sighed and just walked out to meet the Yautja at the command center.

"This time a large unit is ill-advised. We have too many places to be and not a whole lot of time to get there. As such if you are not alone, then you will be in a trio. şoc will be solo. Seară you will be paired with the mates of Gheaţă and Zgură. My sons you will be with Seară's mate. Prepare yourselves. Your destinations will be determined and sent to you soon. You may all go." Noian said. The group dipped their heads and Noian reciprocated before turning. The group left. "Why can't we go together?" Roxy said with a frown. "Noian has his reasons I'm sure. It is not our place to question." Archer replied and then flicked Roxy's forehead. She rubbed her forehead as she pouted. "But how am I supposed to watch your fine ass if we aren't on the same team." She grumbled. Archer just chuckled. Each coupling returned to their rooms. The Yautja grabbed their armor and began to get dressed in it. Claire walked over to Blade and began helping him put it all on. Blade trilled at her and she smiled. "How long do you think we'll be separated?" She asked quietly as she snapped his breastplate down. Blade tilted his head and he looked at her. "That depends on where we are sent, and the situation." He signed. Claire frowned. "Don't be afraid. Archer and Blaze will take care of you." he signed again and Claire sighed. "I know they will. I'm not really afraid. I'm just sad I won't be with you, and worried because I won't know anything about your situation. What if you guys get taken or hurt or overwhelmed or something?" She questioned. Blade tilted his head again and placed a hand on her cheek. He gently stroked her cheek with the blunt claw of his thumb, and he cooed at her. Claire wrapped her arms around his waist and she hugged him. "I know Roxy and Nadia will take care of you too... But armored suits or not, we are still human and not as skilled as you guys." She went to say more, but Blade put one of his fingers to her lips. She looked up at him, tears were brimming her eyes. "We will be okay. Focus on yourself. Don't let your guard down." He signed. Claire nodded and hugged him again, but tighter. He nuzzled her and chuffed as he hugged her too.

When everyone had their armor on, armed themselves and had their masks ready they all went to the docking area. şoc among others had already departed for their missions. Only the six remained. Roxy hugged Archer, making sure to grope his ass with both her hands as well. He scoffed and hugged her too, but slapped her ass causing her to jump. Blaze shook his head although clearly amused. Nadia just grinned as she snuggled into Blaze's side. Archer and Roxy really did match each other's energy always. After all couples exchanged one more hug and brief kisses, Roxy and Nadia boarded Blade's ship with him. Claire followed Blaze and Archer to the vessel they had been given. Though she kept glancing over her shoulder at Blade. "You worry too much." Blaze said and Claire looked at him. "Aren't you worried?" Blaze tilted his head and then shook it. "No I'm not. I know what my mate is capable of. Just as much as I know what your mate can do. Believe in them, mate of Seară." He replied. Claire nodded. Once all six were boarded and ready, the ships departed. Before everyone left they all recieved a briefing on where they were going. Blade's unit was heading towards a planet occupied by pirates, traders and merchants mostly. Archer's unit was heading for a planet that was home to international criminals, and black market dealings. Claire knew it all too well. She wished now more than ever, that she was with Blade. She knew Blaze and Archer were just as reliable. However, she'd be needing the sweet coos and the gentle trills of her Blade more than ever there. As they journeyed, the groups were studying their destinations. They were learning its geography, and strategizing their best chances, while also configuring the most likely places they'd find the sold Kiande Amedha. They had to rid these planets of them, but also had any been sold or taken from the planet, they were required to find those as well. It meant these missions could very well take weeks or even months to complete, especially with as far as they had to travel. The group hated the idea of being separated from their mates that long. Communications were even limited for fear they'd be found and tracked somehow. It was going to be torture.

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