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The group was taken to some sort of ceremonial hall to recieve their trophies. As they walked they decided to take a good look around as well. Everything inside this ship was gunmetal gray. It looked well fortified, and strong like iron. Even though everything was gray it was better than the blinding all-white of their ship. Also where their ship even had white lights, at least this one had red and white lighting. The white lighting was on the ceilings and floors mostly, and the red lighting was all along the walls. All together it looked pretty sharp. When they arrived in the hall there was Yautja all over the place. But for the most part they were showing no interest in the humans. Though a few did look curiously. Claire tightened her clothes around her. Stares from so many males especially giant, scary aliens always made her nervous. She moved closer to Archer sort of hiding behind him. Archer glanced back at her. "They won't do anything to you, female." he stated. "It's still scary." She mumbled. "Well what if they think you're beautiful?" Marissa whispered. "Then it's scarier." Claire retorted. Honestly the Yautja seemed more interested in Eli. Archer knew why. He was a male, but looked like a female or a male. It was confusing, and intriguing. Eli just squeezed closer to Alec. "Wow, Eli. Even attracting the alien lizard men." Roxy teased and Eli glared at her. She giggled.

Once they reached the front of the hall Archer bowed to the elder. However it wasn't the elder that presented the trophies. Instead another Yautja stepped forward. He was massive, easily the broadest and possibly the tallest one. He was adorned with many skulls and teeth. By looking at his armor and at him it was clear that he had fought in many battles. He wore a long cape as well. He looked regal. Anyone could guess he at the very least was some sort of commander. He also had a very distinctive scar: a burn of some sort. They could only speculate that perhaps it was from the blood of a serpent. The other thing that made him stand out was his coloring. He was the same charcoal black as Zgură, but he had the blue markings of Gheaţă. This is Archer's father? Roxy questioned internally. Archer dipped his head to his maybe father. The commander did the same then turned his gaze to the humans. The humans squeezed together. Regal, but scary. He just stared down at them with an arched brow. Almost as if in judgement. Roxy cleared her throat stepping away from the group and closer to him. She held her chin and head high. The commander seemed to approve of the gesture, as his golden eyes lit up. There were various trophies behind him. All different weapons of sorts. "You guys can pick something." Archer finally spoke to them. No one moved, considering the giant Yautja in front of them. Roxy however sidestepped and went to the weapons. She decided to take one of their spears like what Nadia had. The commander just gestured with his head at the other humans as a growl echoed. They quickly went around him and to the wall. Marissa chose the net, Claire chose the cross-bow like device on their wrists, Alec chose a knife, and Eli just chose their wire.

After they had chosen they returned to where they originally were. The commander then dipped his head to them as well. "You're all too tense. No one on this vessel will harm you." the commander spoke. The group stared in shock. "You've earned their respect. But also you helped my sons." He finished and Roxy just raised her hand. "We tried, but the other one sort of..." her voice faded. "You tried. One in particular succeeded a few times. Where is this one?" he questioned and Roxy fidgeted. "Nadia is asleep. She really liked your other son you see... So when he, you know... She's just really upset." Roxy answered. The commander nodded. "If you don't mind me asking... Why is helping your sons so special?" she asked. The commander tilted his head. "I am the chief of these people." He stated and Roxy's jaw dropped as she let that sink in. She turned to Archer. "So you're like a prince? Why didn't you say anything!?" she whisper yelled. "You never asked." he retorted and Roxy attempted to kick him, but he moved his leg so she only stumbled a little. The commander had an amused gleam in his eye. "They are. But we don't brag, strut or flaunt it as many other races do." The commander stated again, "But no matter. You helped my sons, and they agreed to be responsible for your safety in return. We will honor this arrangement. You should worry less." He finished. He turned and began to leave, but paused at Archer. A series of clicks indicating they were talking. The group couldn't tell if it was friendly, or a lecture. Archer bowed his head as his father left. "Are you in trouble? Did you get yelled at?" Roxy asked and Archer just looked at her. "Either way isn't your concern. Follow me and I'll take you all back your room." Archer replied and began leaving the hall. Roxy scoffed as she crossed her arms with a hmph. "Delay longer and you will be surrounded by dozens of curious lizard men as you like to call us." he said. Eli and Claire hastily followed to catch up to Archer. Marissa dragged Roxy, and Alec followed Eli.

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