I Love You

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A song for your beautiful ears. Good song to listen to within the last few paragraphs.
The girls donned their bio-masks prior to their departure. They all checked and made sure they had the essentials: their weapons and water. They were going to stick together anyways, but thanks to Noian's warning they definitely were staying together now. Roxy pulled up the map on their wrist bands scanning the planet. Being on the end the Yautja were usually on was thrilling. All three were as excited as they were nervous. "I think we have to get through their obstacle course thing before we get to the targets they were talking about." Roxy said. Nadia and Claire nodded. The girls began to jog forward. There was a dense mountain ahead. It only made sense that this was their agility test. The women all ran into the thick forest. If they had to jump they jumped, if they had to duck they ducked. If it was required, and also if it was fun, they even chose to power slide under objects. The forest wasn't difficult. It was whenever the elevation began to change as they went up the mountain that they had to slow down. It wasn't as easy as tying a shoe, but it wasn't as hard for them as it would've been six months ago. The training was clearly paying off well. They couldn't help but smile as they ascended. Once they reached the top they decided to take a break. They all took a drink and then looked at the map once again. Now they could see the heat signatures of the targets Noian had spoke of. That meant they were correct, and had already gotten through level one. After a very brief break they all stood and began their assignment again. Choosing now to head to the closest trio of heat signatures. They moved to higher ground when they got close enough to see the creature's making the heat signatures. The three women peered over the edge of the embankment. The creatures were hounds of some sort. They shared the same dreadlocks the Yautja had. Currently they were all just lounging and chewing oversized bones. A gust of wind randomly blew from behind the women and down to the hounds. The hounds were immediately alerted to their presence, as they all stuck their noses up and began sniffing. The girls cursed under their breath and quickly ducked down. They began to army crawl away quickly. However the hounds howled and began to make their way up the embankment. The girls were soon face to face with them. They all quickly stood taking a defensive stance. The hounds snarled and charged. The three women simply put their wrists forward. With the slightest flex the net launched and each wrapped around the hounds. One was pinned to the ground, another to a log, and another was pinned to a boulder. The nets began tightening. The girls had to cover their ears and turn away. Unable to watch and hear as the hounds died from the net tightening enough to cut through their flesh as it crushed their bones.

After that, they moved right along to the next three targets. They all huffed as they recognized the three black, canine-like beasts. One of them of course was an Alpha as well. The girls having learned a lesson from last time made sure to stay down wind. Especially knowing that these beasts were fiercer. They began to whisper amongst themselves. "What's the plan?" Claire whispered. "Two of us get into the trees and drop on the two small ones while the third distracts their Alpha. Once the two small ones are out we go for the Alpha together. The strikes on the little ones have to be a one shot one kill though. Otherwise
whoever has the Alpha will be in a bad situation." Roxy said. Nadia and Claire nodded. "Then whoever has the Alpha needs to be small, annoying and obnoxious enough to distract it and keep it distracted. But also fast and able to hold their own just in case the little ones don't go smoothly." Claire suggested. Her and Nadia both looked at Roxy. Roxy nodded until she noticed they were both staring at her, then she glanced between them. "You bitches suck." She complained. Claire and Nadia grinned below the masks. "I do." Nadia said mischievously. Roxy shook her head. Nadia and Claire then moved to the tree of their choice. Roxy stayed hidden until she knew they were ready. Once they were she made her move. Revealing herself from her hiding spot. She didn't even have to try to distract the Alpha. The second the beast saw her it charged her. Roxy shrieked and turned and sprinted away. Meanwhile Nadia and Claire dropped from the trees. They landed on the backs of the two smaller beasts. The beasts roared and began bucking, thrashing and alligator rolling. Claire and Nadia hung onto their tendrils for dear life to stay on. But when they began to roll and slam their bodies the girls had no choice but to let go. They already had the air knocked out of them, and probably earned some bruises. They didn't need to risk broken bones as well. When the girls were off they quickly flipped upright. Extending the blades on her wrist Claire swiftly swiped upwards. The blades ended up stabbing into the beast's jugular. She pulled the blades out and retreated just as quickly. Meanwhile, Nadia had her combi-stick extended to the full length. She made a powerful thrust forward, impaling the beasts chest. When the beast collapsed she removed the combi-stick from its corpse. The pair ran after Roxy and the Alpha. Roxy was pumping her short legs as hard as she could, sprinting away. She could hear the angry snarls of the Alpha behind her. She reached a clearing, and nearly shit herself. Unknowingly she had sprinted towards another one of the targets. To her dismay, it was another one of those colossal scorpion-like beasts that had nearly killed her once already. "Oh you have got to be kidding me! Come on you big bastards!" she yelled in frustration. The scorpion immediately turned its attention to her. "Bad idea..." She grumbled to herself. The scorpion then charged at her as well. She quickly pivoted on an ankle and ran to her left. The canine and the scorpion collided with each other, causing her to snort and giggle as they untangled themselves from their pile.

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