Into the Woods

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The next morning the group was preparing to leave the safety of their armored vehicle. They heard a very faint voice. "Alec..." the voice whispered. They all turned to look. Eli had his eyes open looking around. The ladies gasped and Alec was at Eli's side in seconds holding his hand tightly. "I'm here, angel." he said softly as he brushed his fingers through his dyed blonde hair. Tears of happiness starting to fill his eyes. He sat Eli up and hugged him tightly. Eli flinched slightly but he slid his arms around Alec's waist hugging him too. The girls couldn't contain their squeals and they joined the hug. Once they parted Alec got his water and helped Eli take a drink of it per Eli's request. "Since Eli is awake we will stay here for a day or two until he gets his strength back. Then we will start the trek home." Roxy said. Eli looked at her. "Why trek?" He asked. "We don't have the keys for these vehicles so we can't take them." Alec said with a disappointed huff. Eli tilted his head. "That's all it is? I can probably start one of them." he admitted and the whole group looked at him in surprise. "I get bored sometimes." he said matter-of-factly. "So you what? Just watch video tutorials about hot wiring cars?" Roxy asked amused. He nodded, "I'm kind of forgetful and I lose things. It's a practical skill." the group laughed. Eli slowly moved to the front of the vehicle and began his work. Within fifteen minutes the group heard the glorious sound of the engine starting. The girls cheered and Alec grabbed the sides of Eli's face kissing his lips deeply. Eli smiled. "Ooohhh" they heard the girls tease and giggle. Eli blushed and Alec waved at them dismissively. They giggled more.

Marissa had decided she wanted to drive. She got into the driver's seat, and not long after they were on their way. Since Eli was no longer busy with starting the vehicle, he was now stuck in Alec's lap. Alec refused to let him go now that he had almost lost him once. At about halfway as they were going up a slight incline the front of the vehicle randomly dropped. Everyone screamed and grabbed onto something to balance themselves. The vehicle was stuck at a 45 degree angle. Roxy looked to Marissa and then out the window. They were staring at a wall of rocks and dirt."What happened?" she questioned. "Shit!" was Marissa's response. "What?" Roxy pressed again. "That damn explosion must have made the plates in this planet shift like an earthquake. It created this damn crack we are currently stuck in. And I missed it because of the damn incline! So unless something pulls us out we have to find a way out before this whole vehicle falls and continue on foot." Marissa said in frustration, holding her forehead that now had a bleeding cut from her head hitting the steering wheel. Claire rolled her eyes. "Of course. Because something just going smoothly for once is asking too much." she said sarcastically. Roxy sighed, "Well let's go then." "I'll go first. Depending how far down we fell I'll climb up and then help pull you all out." Alec said. Roxy nodded, and Alec let go of Eli. Very slowly he made his way to the door and he opened it. He glanced from the front to the back of the vehicle choosing the best option. Once decided he climbed the whole way out of the vehicle. The front was a little more stable, even though it was the farthest reach. Alec began his climb up, really digging his nails and his boots into the rocks and dirt. Once he heaved himself over the side of the embankment he glanced around their surroundings. Sure it was safe he called down to the rest. "Alright start coming out. But be careful the vehicle is a little slick." he warned. The others started climbing up one at a time. When they got close enough Alec would reach down and pull them up by their arms and belts.

Once everyone was up and out they all stood. Roxy pulled out the map and found their location. "Well we are halfway there so the hike will be cut in half. Better than starting at the pyramid." She said positively. The group groaned. "I would've preferred 75 percent." Marissa said. "Better than 25 percent" Nadia offered. Marissa just shook her head. "Let's move. If we go at a decent pace we can make back in just a few days. Before it would've been nearly a week." Roxy said, and the group nodded and started their journey.

They had been walking for some time now. Ever since their accident Nadia had a quesy feeling. Something wasn't right, there was something wrong she felt it in her gut, and she had felt like they were being watched or stalked from somewhere. She had asked the others about it but they just shrugged it off. They said it was a forest after all so most likely it was some sort of monkey. Those words should've reassured her but they didn't. Instead it felt wrong. She clutched Blaze's spear tighter to her chest. She had taken it with them. The others tried to convince her to just leave it, but she refused. For her it was a precious souvenir, but also it made her feel safe. Like how Blaze had made her feel safe in the brief time she was with him. I miss that Big Guy... she thought sadly, and held the spear even tighter and closer to her heart. "We should stop here. Gather things to make a shelter before the sun goes down." Roxy said. They heard rustling in the distance and they all whipped their heads around looking for it. They all stopped breathing for a few beats. A strange looking bird flew from a nearby bush. Marissa screamed and they all jumped before letting out a large sigh of relief. "Damn bird." Roxy said.

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