The Last Stand

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Archer growled and quickly exited the trailer. He saw his brother having a battle royale with the oncoming serpents. Not wasting time he quickly began to nock and loose his arrows. Shrieks, roars, and explosions once again were splitting through the air. "We can help them." Nadia said to the group. They looked at her like she was insane. "Think about it. Some of the marines went with us but a lot stayed here too. Even if they were all taken some of their weapons might have been left behind." She said hopefully. The group nodded. "I think just one of us should grab them. Those serpents won't notice as much. Grab enough for everyone and come back here. Then we all help." Roxy added. Once again, the group nodded. "They had their own armored vehicle with weapons inside I saw. The vehicle alone has a large weapon. We just need to start it and get it to here." Marissa added. The group turned their attention to Eli. Eli looked at them. "Whatever you are thinking, unthink it." Eli said as he scooted away. "Come on Eli. If it doesn't have keys only you can get it started. If you don't do this we are all going to die anyways." Claire told him. Eli looked at Alec who held his hand and he sighed. "Fine..." The girls sighed in relief. "I'll go with him. The plan won't work if he can't make it." Alec offered. The girls nodded. Eli and Alec stood up. Quickly and quietly they left the trailer. They stayed low as they made their way to the armored vehicle. Blaze and Archer seemed to be holding their own well enough for now. But they were definitely running out of time.

On their way to the vehicle Alec had found and picked up two assault rifles. He stayed close to Eli the whole time. They finally arrived at the armored vehicle. Eli quickly slipped inside and began searching for the keys while Alec stood watch outside. "Just start this car. The only hope of survival we have... No pressure. After this I better get the most amazing wedding known to man." Eli grumbled as he continued his frantic search. "Of course I guess I need to be proposed to first... New plan, if we survive and he still doesn't propose to me, we are breaking up." Eli mumbled. After searching every possible nook, and still no keys in sight Eli began to hot wire the car. "I think they are starting to lose, angel." He heard Alec say. "I'm working on it!" Eli hissed. Alec smiled. Eli rarely got sassy, and how adorable he was when he did. When they were no longer in a life or death situation Alec was going to ravage him for sure. The engine started and Alec climbed in. He'd kiss him later. Eli drove the armored vehicle while Alec kept watch to make sure no serpents stopped them. The girls heard the rumbling of the engine and they all stood and met them outside. climbing into the back of the truck they armed themselves while Eli drove to where the Yautja were facing the serpents.

When the vehicle stopped Nadia leaped out of the truck, and not a moment too soon. She saw a serpent was on Blaze's back. It ripped the gun from his shoulder and pierced its tail through his shoulder. Blaze roared slamming his back into a rock to knock the serpent off. Meanwhile Archer was cornered in a tree. Serpents crawling up the trunk and towards him. He pulled a blade out and began slicing their fingers off or impaling them through the tops of their skulls when they got too close. He was even kicking some off. The humans popped out of their vehicle with weapons and began firing. Half aimed at the waves going for Archer and the other half aimed for the numbers targeting Blaze. Blaze and Archer looked over when the shots rang out. Then focused back on their own battles. Roxy had decided she wanted the weapon on the top of the vehicle. It was slightly comical, the smallest human firing the largest weapon, and laughing like a lunatic the whole time. However even with the help of the humans there were still just too many. But at least they had pushed them back and the Yautja got a break. Blaze tapped his gauntlet activating the bomb. The humans looked to him and he pointed to his wrist before signaling explosion. "Oh shit." they said in unison before all retreating into the vehicle. Archer leaped from his tree. Blaze took the bomb off of his wrist. He threw it as if throwing a Frisbee or a throwing star towards the mass of black serpents. He and Archer both sprinted, jumping into the armored vehicle with the humans. When everyone was inside Eli pressed the gas pedal all the way down. The vehicle lurched forward. Archer pulled up some coordinates on his wrist gauntlet showing Eli. Eli nodded and drove the vehicle as fast as it would go to their destination.

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