The Expedition Begins

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The armored vehicles carried the researchers as far as they could before stopping. Roxy was hoping the marines would drive them there and then either leave them or wait at the vehicles. She was very much displeased to learn they were actually going with them. After seeing those containers they refused to tell her about, she no longer trusted them. She didn't believe they'd turn around and start murdering anyone, but that served little comfort in the fact she had no idea what their role in anything was. Nadia could feel the tension in her best friend and she touched her arm in attempt to comfort. She never really trusted the marines either to begin with. They weren't as honorable as they once were, everyone knew that. Times changed, and now they were more like hired mercenaries and thugs than soldiers. And in reality that's most likely what they were. They started offering criminals a choice, do their time or serve. The choice they made was obvious. Finding a true soldier among them now was rare. Her father was once one, but he died a long time ago. She was relieved that Roxy felt the same, but this very truth was also alarming. It meant something was definitely wrong here. At Nadia's touch Roxy gave her a smile.

Once ready the group donned their back packs and began their trek. Their first destination, right up Nadia's nerd alley, and also Claire's, a pyramid. The two squealed in excitement, bouncing slightly. Roxy smiled but gave them a slight wave in a way telling them to calm down. They could fangirl all they wanted to once they reached it. But first they needed to reach it. Although this planet was thick and jungle-like it wasn't as deathly hot as Roxy imagined. Not even as humid as she thought. It wasn't comfortable, but at least it wasn't miserable either. Walking to the pyramid was going to take a few hours. Roxy made sure the researchers were aware if they saw something they would like to photograph, or take samples of, to inform the group first and they would stop. They'd all be sticking together no matter what. As far as breaking for bathrooms or snacking she requested that unless it was urgent they would wait for the stops she had already planned out.

The planet was truly beautiful. Lush green forests and absolutely humongous trees stretched as far as the eye could see... Which considering the jungle and all, it wasn't very far. Nadia was hoping they'd get to a higher elevation soon. She really wanted to see more of what this planet had to offer. Soon is was time for one of their breaks. Men went one way and women went another as they relieved themselves if they had to. Using the baby wipes to clean themselves, and of course applying hand sanitizer afterwards. After they were all done they met back on the path. Sitting down to take a break they all had a small snack and drank some water. Somehow Nadia must've given one of the marines mixed signals. For the past week one simply known as Pax had been shamelessly flirting with her. She shut him down immediately on every occasion. But he was very persistent regardless. Meanwhile the lieutenant found every opportunity to annoy Roxeanne, from flirting to insulting her. Unfortunately today was no exception. They weren't unattractive. But their personalities had much to be desired.

Roxy decided enough was enough and so she stood and urged the group forward. At least while on the move they let them alone. Soon the time had passed and the group was standing in front of the pyramid. Nadia's eyes lit up as she stared at it. One of the engineers set down a box he had been carrying. Opening it up and pushing a few buttons on his comms device a very small drone lifted out of the case. With surprising speed it circled all around the pyramid before disappearing inside. Pushing a few more buttons on his comms device a 3D image started forming of the pyramid. Also in his box was a mini version of what looked like a 3D printer. As the drone captured and scanned its images, the machine began recreating them one layer at a time. Nadia stared in wide eyed fascination. "You guys this thing is much bigger than it looks. We are only seeing approximately thirty percent of it. The remaining seventy is all underground. Sort of like the glacier that struck the Titanic." the engineer, who's name was Isaac said. Nadia smiled widely. She couldn't wait to get inside.

Once the drone scanned everything it returned, lowering back into its box. Nadia bit her lip and lightly tugged on Isaac's sleeve. The dark eyed engineer turned and looked at her. "Sorry, excuse me... But, can I have that?" she asked softly as she pointed at the 3D print of the pyramid. Isaac looked at it and just chuckled. Pulling it from the printer he handed it to her. Once again her eyes lit up and she squealed as she took the model from him. "Thank you!" she then bounced over to Roxy who was shaking her head. "Alright then, people. Let's go inside." She said and she walked into the pyramid with all the researchers and marines following. Nadia and Claire couldn't get in fast enough. Once inside Nadia was sure she was going to burst into tears. It was beautiful. Intricate carvings from designs to symbols etched into every single brick of limestone from the floor to the ceiling. As if that wasn't already enough, large statues lined every column.

Nadia immediately began photographing everything. Her gaze landed on the first statue. Something was familiar about the stone creature. But she couldn't place it. She did however touch it. Feeling the intricate details in even that. There was a loud click from behind and the ground rumbled as if something shifted. The researchers immediately reacted, looking around. One of the scientists had pressed something in the wall. Roxy rubbed her temples. "Listen. Take photos, get your samples, but please don't touch anything. ESPECIALLY not buttons hidden in the walls. What if that's the button that will kill everyone? Do not, actually, never, actually, DO NOT EVER touch buttons. Okay? Buttons are bad." She said sounding exasperated. "Good job, Alex." said another scientist as he lightly whacked the back of the button pusher, Alex's, head. "Yeah, Alex. Buttons are bad." mocked the lieutenant. Roxy shot him an annoyed glare. He scoffed, and the group continued onward.

---Elsewhere in the galaxy---

An alarm sounded, alerting to unplanned intruders. The blooded commander instantly summoned the unblooded hunters. Gathering immediately the four Yautja consisting of the three young hunters and the commander surrounded the view screen. They watched as a group of humans began walking deeper into the pyramid. Touching the screen, making the image pull farther away they saw it wasn't just that group, but that group, another one still at their temporary quarters, and even further out than that a large ship. The transport that must've taken them all to this planet. The hunters turned to their commander. "Get ready. Pyramid first. But if any of the others get in the way, it's only more trophies." The commander ordered. The young hunters bowed their heads, whipping around sharply, their long dread-lock like tubes of hair arched into the air before falling over their broad shoulders and down their muscular backs. All four exited the command center. Going to their quarters they grabbed their masks, their weapons, and their armor. Donning it all, they went to their pods. Typing the coordinates into their gauntlets, the pods cloaked and then launched.

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