Let the Games Begin

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The researchers wandered further and deeper into the pyramid. Nadia still couldn't stop staring at the statues. She wondered if they were life sized, or exaggerated. Each statue was about eight feet all. Whatever the creature was it looked absolutely horrifying, but in a way, regal even. If these things truly existed, and were as fierce as these statues made them seem, she certainly wouldn't want to be the one to piss them off. She made it a point to photograph every statue. While they were similar each one had a defining characteristic that made them individual from the rest. It was truly fascinating and unique. Unable to help herself she pulled Roxy to take her picture with one. Actually climbing the statue to sit on its arm when she found one in a position that would allow it. Roxy just shook her head with a smirk but took the photos for her friend. Once satisfied she hopped down from the statue. "Shouldn't you be working, Di?" she questioned with a giggle. "Technically I am. The true scientists can get their samples, I'm the history and architecture person. Photos and deciphering or translations are my job." Nadia replied with a wink as they moved on. "Well then come and translate this thing." She heard Marissa call to her.

Nadia grinned and hopped over to her staring at the lettering. She blew on it to clear out some of the dirt. Nadia bit her lip at the words. "It's pretty worn... But I can at least make out honor and sacrifice." She stated. "You think it's some sort of shrine in here then? Honoring warriors that died in battle maybe?" Claire came up behind them to ask. "Well there's a way to find out. But getting in there will be the problem." Nadia stepped back observing the wall. After a few moments Pax stepped forward looking smug as he said "Allow me." and Nadia frowned. She blissfully had forgotten about his existence until now. The Bastard. He pressed on the wall, and the group could hear the sound of rocks scraping together as a part of the wall opened. "What did I tell you people about pushing buttons in the walls!?" Roxy seethed. "We know. 'Buttons are bad.' But look, more research for your group of nerds." the lieutenant scoffed. Roxy glared at his dumb, smug face. She stormed passed him, and into the new room, making sure to hit him with her shoulder. As her actions caught him off guard he actually was pushed back a step. She smirked in satisfaction. The group of researchers, and Nadia followed her in. They took in their surroundings, circling around the room. Five stone tables sat in distinct places. Nadia was sure it formed a pentagram. "What kind of shrine looks like this? It looks more like demon worshippers to me..." Alec spoke up. "Stop it, you're freaking me out." Eli added.

Nadia had her arms crossed, tapping her fingernails against her arm deep in thought. "But it may not be wrong... I don't know about the demon worshipping part... But this could in fact be some sort of sacrificial chamber. Instead of honoring fallen soldiers, that tablet may have been honoring the people that willingly came here to die for what they believed in." Nadia thought out loud. Eli shuddered. "But that's so primitive..." Marissa spoke again. "Well just take a look around at how old this place is... Is it so surprising?" Claire responded. Marissa shook her head. Eli pressed closer to Alec who then wrapped his arm around him. Meanwhile, Nadia was taking photos of everything and others were continuing to look around. "Hey, this looks like a way to go farther down." Pax so helpfully announced. Then proceeded to go down the stairs leading the way. The lieutenant and other marines followed. "Hold up, where the hell do you think you guys are going? I'm in charge on this expedition and we are staying together." Roxy stated in annoyance. "Aww, is the little girl worried about us?" The lieutenant teased. Roxy glared. She began to stomp over to them but she paused when she heard rocks shifting once again. Everyone looked over. The columns at the bases of the stone tables opened and revealed something resembling an egg. Curiously some of the researchers approached. The eggs opened and the researchers bent over them to look inside.

Roxy immediately got a bad feeling. "Everyone step aw-" she started, but then pale creatures leaped from the eggs before she could finish. They looked almost like a horseshoe crab, but the eight, long finger-like appendages reached and wrapped around the nearest researcher, it's whip like tail wrapping tightly around their throats. All the researchers they latched onto fell, and their muffled screams filled and echoed through the room. Meanwhile the researchers that weren't attacked added their own horrified shouts at the scene before them. Roxeanne pulled a knife off of the lieutenant's vest and sprinted to the nearest researcher. Immediately she attempted to at least cut the creature's tail from around their throat. But the tail only tightened. Roxy had no choice but to back off. She looked around at the marines, the other researchers, and Nadia. She had no idea what to do from here.

Before she had the time to dwell on it the pyramid began shaking and trembling. Alec held onto Eli tighter. The walls, the ceiling, the floor, everything began to shift and change. Getting blocked in in some areas while other pathways were created. The group couldn't believe it at first. But quickly came into their right mind at the lieutenant's yell. "Hey, nerds! Don't just sit around, move your asses and get out of there!" They all immediately scrambled towards the marines. Roxy was still frozen in place. Nadia yanked her to her feet and dragged her with the rest of the group. They all ran, dodging moving columns and maneuvering around shifting floors. Some weren't lucky enough to make it out and got separated from the group. Nadia was relieved that at least Eli, Alec, Marissa and Claire were with them. But she didn't know about the rest. She held onto Roxy tighter.

"Fuck! They didn't say anything about the damn building redecorating itself!" Pax yelled angrily. The lieutenant swiftly elbowed him, quickly looking at the researchers. Relieved to see they were all still too in shock to really register what his subordinate had said. He gave Pax a warning glare and the soldier immediately got quiet. The group sat in silence for a very long time. Other than Marissa's quiet cries anyway. "I'm calling it... We need to find a way out of this place. This map is useless now that we know the pyramid rearranges." Roxy finally spoke. "And just how do you suppose we do that? We are totally lost down here now!" Marissa cried. "Not necessarily..." Nadia said as she looked to Isaac, relieved that he had made it out too. Isaac turned his dark gaze to her. They stared at each other for a moment but then he finally registered what she meant. Opening his box again, he released the drone. Once again the drone whizzed away and began exploring the pyramid, and as it did the printer began printing a new model of the pyramid.

Nadia immediately smiled wide and hugged Isaac tight. "You, sir, are beautiful. A beautiful life-saving angel." She said excitedly and let him go, going back to watching the model print. "Say... Can I keep this one too?" she asked sheepishly. Again Isaac chuckled and nodded. Handing her the model as it was finished, and then packing the printer and drone away again. Nadia didn't notice, but Pax tensed with clenched fists at the exchange. His fiery gaze landing on Isaac. The Isaac guy had to go. The group took a brief lunch break. They also took some time to catch their breath, gather their barings, and come up with a plan before standing and moving out.

---Meanwhile nearby on the planet---

The pods of the hunters landed. Pressurized air releasing as the door opened, and the three hunters stepped out. Pulling up the gauntlet on his wrist, the grey and blue hunter pulled up a 3D hologram of the pyramid. By their heat signatures, some of the humans had already fallen as they became impregnated by the xenomorphs. The rest of the humans were separated. The larger group had a little more hope. But the individuals separated from the shift of the pyramid were already on a countdown to the end of their pathetic lives. Between the large group and the lone individuals there were a total of twenty humans left in the pyramid. Of the twenty, about a dozen were armed. However, between the hunters and the serpents, armed or not they wouldn't last long. The hunter glanced to his brother and their comrade. They bowed their heads, and then all three ran into the pyramid as their cloaking activated.

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