More and More New Characters

Start from the beginning

"This man... Tsukasa, right? He doesn't sound like a guy, you're able to deal with. In this case you should hit fast and hard," she gave you an advice, to which you didn't dare to laugh. You're happy enough that she agreed to follow you up to Hakone and help, but it took too long and you're afraid that it's too late. "Can we hurry a little?" you pleased every now and then. "No. I need to stay alerted with your every move and running will cause disadvantage," was her answer.

Suddenly she grabbed your wrist and stopped you. "What is it this time," you said slightly annoyed. "Stay behind me," she stepped in front of you. From shadows came the only person you were afraid the most.

"(Y/n)..." he said calmly, but with fire in the eyes. "Stay back!" the girl shouted back. "I have no intention in fighting. I just came to... Make a deal. Just like your friends tried," he said now in more threatening way. "What have you done?!" you shouted half not even wanting to hear the answer.

"I killed him, (Y/n). I had no other choice. But you may like to hear that the others live. He saved them," was his answer. You started at him and he did the same to you, waiting for your answer. "And you came to tell this?" you said quietly. "Yes. And as I was saying I need to make a deal with you-"

"Tsukasa," the girl made a step closer to him. "I heard things about you so first I wanted a confirmation, but now  I had enough to know I won't let your cruelness go any further." She then went into her fighting position. Tsukasa sighed, but did the same.

She ran to him before you could stop her. Universe once again showed you how useless you're in this stone world 'cause as much as you want you can't do anything. You couldn't hear much 'cause in the end it looks like it's only their conversation. But then she started to talk louder:

"Apologize for what you did to the gentleman sorcerer... Until your soul fades from this earth!" Sorcerer?! What is she talking about? Doesn't she understand? "That strange black powder it called forth the mountain's rage." You're trying to understand her, which isn't easy, but if you're not mistaken, she's talking about the explosion. And it looks like Tsukasa has the same idea as you. "It seems as though you weren't revived from petrification. Maybe you're a child of someone who was..." No.

"How many generations removed... Are you?"

Then he pushed her away. Hardly enough for her to fall on the ground. With inhuman strength he slashed the tree. In a last second the tree missed you, but the girl's got stuck under it.

You sat down and looked around. "Now that this is over." His voice made snap your head to him. You got up and looked him straight in the eyes. "Have you come all the way here just to tell me that y-you killed him?" You mentally cursed because of your stutter. Tsukasa noticed and it made him feel more confident.

"You weren't with them, so, I followed the smoke signals and looks like I was right. I found you. (Y/n). Will you-"

"No." You fearlessly said. "I'll not listen to anything that a murderer like you has to say." He deeply exhaled. "Understood... We'll see later, maybe your friends will give you good enough reason and you'll make the right decision," and with these words you turned around, showing you have no other intentions to talk.

You kneeled next to the girl. "Is he still looking?" you quietly asked. She looked behind you and shook her head. "No. He's just walking away." You sighed in relief. "Good... Now what should I do about this," you thought out loud. "There's no way you can get me out," she replied in defeat.

You sat down and leaned against the fallen tree. You looked up and saw that there'll be sunset soon. How are we going to survive the night?

"Guh," she tried to release herself. "You good?" you asked the obvious. "Can be better- Huh? It's you! The gentleman sorcerer who protected the girl. You're alive!!" Knowing about who she is talking about, you turned to where she's looking and stopped. "What the- Have you actually died or was that Captain America that desperate that he even lied?" you demanded the answer.

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now