Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry for the long wait guys but here's an extra long chapter.

On another note, I'm going away with school for five days so the next chapter will take just a little over a week, sorry but enjoy this one :)


I'd love to dedicate this chapter to Sapphire061699. You always show me so much support and your last comment made me grin for a full on day knowing someone appreciates my work that much and who patiently waits for my slow updates!


The silence is so awkward that anything would be better than making a small plate consisting of sandwiches and chopped fruit with Stacey only mere meters away from me doing the exact same for her and Joel. Originally the encounter wasn't this awkward and only an uncomfortable feeling because Joel was in the room with us and he unknowingly provided us with a tension breaker but when he had been called away, the polite conversation and small talk between us turned into a dead silence with the only noise that could be heard belonging to the blade cutting against the wooden boards and the lids of the jam being twisted on and off of the jar.

On the inside I was still fuming about the fact that Stacey had come onto Jaxon. Common sense would have made her realize that they day in the caravan when we first met would give her reason to believe we were together but apparently not. Even after we had left the tent, Stacey reproached Jaxon while I was standing right next to him to apologize for her actions. I must admit, she looked sincere and I was almost convinced from the now shy and innocent character she portrayed but when Jaxon grunted a few words saying she had used her warning and it better not happen again, she smirked at me behind Jaxon's back before gushing to Jaxon over and over again her thanks and how truly sorry she was. What angered me most was that Jaxon was either to naive to see through her act, or he really didn't give a shit about her because in a few days she has to leave because she's fully recovered. Jaxon is an extremely observant person so I keep trying to convince myself it's that latter option.

So now, only about two hours later, Jaxon is in a meeting with Tom, Matt and Jarred discussing in more detail the set plan of attack for the Seize. As usual, I was bored out of my mind and had the curious itch on wanting to know what they're disusing. I couldn't help myself as I made the plate of small sandwiches and chopped the fresh fruits we bought yesterday from the market reasoning for it to be a perfect excuse to go and sit in on the meeting and hear what the plan is so far.

I reached over and grabbed a small paper bag filled with strawberries while reaching with my other hand reached out to grab the knife to the right of me. As I went to pull the bag towards me, I felt a reluctance and weight on it. My eyes snapped to what the hold up was and I was met with Stacey glaring at me, one hand gripping tightly on the bag as her pale blue eyes narrowed at me in a warning.

'Do you mind?' I snapped at her, giving the bag a harsh yank in hopes to make her let go. Her body lurched forwards slightly but her grip didn't falter.

'Do you?' She snapped right back at me. My eyes narrowed back at her as we both death glared each other, anticipating the others next move. Her eyes studied mine intently as she subtly tried to brace herself in a position where she could quickly maneuver away and I narrowed my eyes even more at her, an idea forming in my mind about what she is trying to do.

'Whatever.' I said with a shrug and let go of the bag, moving my hand slightly to grab another paper bad filled this time filled with blueberries. From the corner of my eye I saw Stacey's mouth drop and hang open in shock from me quickly giving up. I smirked internally, feeling smug because I didn't let Stacey get the fight she was obviously wanting.

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