Chapter Three

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It had been three days since my last encounter with Jaxon. Three days since I had seen Max and for three days straight I have been worrying non stop about him. I had asked to see if he was alright or find out what happened to him but the man who replaced Joel gave me the cold shoulder, and was almost apprehensive around me.

During the day it was tolerable. I had jobs to do that keep myself busy and to keep my mind off everything, but lying in bed at night time when I was alone with just my thoughts was utterly horrible.

I'd think of all the bad things that could happen to people I care about, I though about Jaxon taking me away and locking me up for painful torture, I though of Max's broken and bloodied body lying still on the main square stones, in an awkward position and eyes wide open begging for help.

Every meal time I had sat with Ben and with whoever he wanted to sit with. I didn't see much of my friends. There was always people around my age with their siblings, sitting near Ben and his mates, but we never really conversed. My friends, just like me, stayed with their younger siblings but we smiled and said hey as we passed them in the community hall or stood with them in the line for food.

The next night Max after had been taken, I tried to avoid the crowd of people roaming around the community hall after dinner was served. The meal consisted of minimal vegetables from the farm, rice and a cow that had been slaughtered. Considering the circumstances of the village being held captive, living conditions were still okay.

I watched Ben from afar as he whispered to his group of friends just like before our lives had been changed. Their little secrets exchanged from one small child to the next almost brought a smile to my face.

'Olivia.' A voice spoke from beside me. My head turned, and I immediately had to crane my neck to look up at the large body infront of me. Beside me was a very large man, close to obese and he wasn't even looking down at me. I knew for a fact he was part of Jaxon's gang of men, his arm lightly scattered with the black ink they all seamed to have.

'You need to come outside right away. I mean you no harm.' He spoke, eyes still patrolling the room as if he wasn't even addressing me.

I gulped slightly, intimidated from that large form of the man. 'Thats what a murder would say.'

'Don't be a smart arse. If I wanted to kill you, we wouldn't be anywhere near Jaxon.' His words were hushed, his low voice making it even quieter. 'Meet me outside the front door in a minute.' He spoke then walked away and out the door.

I looked over at Ben to check on him and contemplated my options. Deciding I had nothing to loose, I wandered out the door causally a minute later, just as I was instructed.

Instantly a rough hand grabbed my arm and I let out a small yelp as I was tugged away from the building and over to the rear of the hall, near the entrance to the kitchen. 'Shut up.' The voice hushed me and I instantly recognized it from the man in the hall.

'A murderer would lead me away from everyone to kill me.' I dryly pointed out.

'Again, if I wanted to kill you, I'd ship us off to a different county in hopes for a head start against Jaxon.'

His comment had me thinking once again about how powerful Jaxon must be.

'Whats your name?' I finally demanded, folding my arms over my chest, trying to seem brave even though my heart beat is thumping wildly and out of control whilst my throat is all hoarse from nerves.


I nodded my head for him to continue.

'The word is out Jaxon wants to act upon these feelings for you.' He said, locking eyes with mine. His off white pupils held an intensity I had never seen before and I put all previous joking to the side.

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