Chapter Seven

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After much persuasion from Jaxon’s behalf, we agreed on me sleeping in the building tonight but I only said I would if I could crash on the couch tonight, not share a bed with him as he originally planned to do. Obviously his annoying self-objected to me sleeping on it when he had a perfectly good bed for me to use, but I told him it was either the couch or nowhere.

I’d be lying if I said the couch was comfortable. It was the thinnest, lumpiest thing I’ve spent a night on but when had Jaxon asked me the next morning how I’d slept, I said good considering. He knew I was lying from yesterday’s events, but I wasn’t going to admit it to him of all people.

After it had taken hours to fall asleep, the nightmares began. It was horrible, the girl flying across the room, the boy dead on the floor with a gaping hole in his chest, the teenaged boy burning alive and choking to his death. But they were bearable memories up until the Jaxon in my dreams turned around, making my heart beat increase.

The cold deadly look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine, my skin crawled as he walked towards me a menacing smirk on his face. That image of him was sure to stick to mind for a very long time.

Then out of nowhere, Ben flew across the room, just like the little girl had. His skin stared dancing with flames as his body crashed to the floor harshly and his agonized cries filled the empty space. As I ran to help him, my feet wouldn’t leave the ground, just like what Jaxon did to the whole of the people in the room when the girl was thrown across the community hall and people rushed to help her. They felt helpless to help her, just as I felt helpless to help Ben.

Finally the flames stopped but his cries didn’t die down. My small brother was lying on the ground in complete pain, screams ripping through the silent air as I was helpless to aid him. I was quietly sobbing to myself as I watched powerlessly as my younger brother neared his death, caused by the man who claimed he would never hurt me intentionally. He knew what he was doing in my dream and the pain he was causing me, his eyes dancing with pure delight as he watched me suffer.

Jaxon then did the upmost unthinkable thing that had me crying in my sleep. Jaxon ripped Ben’s heart out and dropped it to the floor, not one look of guilt on his face as Bens small, chubby body lay motionless on the cold floor. My tears was the only sound that filled the large room. I sank to the floor, clutching my heart from feeling so much pain but the thing that broke me most was when Jaxon walked back over to me. I hadn’t even seen him approach, only heard the small thuds of his boots against the wooden floor. I didn’t look up at him, I just couldn’t until the recognizable, all too familiar sound of clicking off the safety on the gun. As soon as I looked up, he pulled the trigger with a menacing smirk plastered on his face and a spark shining evily in his eyes.

I had woke up panting and dripping in sweat, the hot temprature in the stuffy room not making it easier to calm down. My airways felt restricted as I breathed heavily, throat hoarse and cheeks wet from the tears I had unconsciously shed. Jaxon had heard what was happening and flashed himself over to me, his touch running over my arms and back calming me down by the addictive buzz falling over my body. He whispered words into my ears and even held me at one point.

But as soon as I calmed down I didn’t thank him, I didn’t tell him what it was about despite his asking. I just rolled over and faced the back rest of the couch and lay there. Eyes open and cursing silently at the man sitting beside me. He tried talking to me but go not reply and eventually, I felt the weight next to me vanish and I knew he flashed away. I didn’t sleep again for the rest of the night, too scared to see what my dreams had in store for me.

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