Prologue: Autonoma

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August 1st, 2177, 12:00

The Autonomous State of Autonoma, the most militarily and technologically advanced nation since the start of the 21st century. Founded back in the 19th century as a former, now independent commonwealth nation created by the Empire which had spanned it's influence across the globe and created many large colonies turned commonwealths that bended under it's rule.

However due to ever growing political and civil unrest generated through the vast distances across the seas, the people of Autonoma sought to declare their independence, and severe all it's ties with the Empire, resulting in what was now referred to as the Colonial Rebellion War. The result was the defeat of the joint Imperial and loyal Colonial forces and the victory of the Autonoman Commonwealth Guard. Since then, Autonoma's independence has been recognized as legit by other nations, and accepted amongst the global sphere of politics.

Even after it's defeat in the war, the Empire was still the strongest standing nation on the planet, holding vast naval and trade superiority across the seas, giving it a strong reach across the globe.

That was until 2001, when the Autonomous State of Autonoma began a sudden surge in increase of it's military and industrial capacity. While they may not be the largest nation with the largest population or army size, they had two advantages that allowed them to catch ahead of their competitors. Their land's abundance of common and rare minerals, and their rapid development in technological advancements.

Autonoma became the epicenter of most of the world's technological achievements, housing the greatest minds of the greatest engineers and scientists the world has ever known. With their monopoly on scientific innovation, the world became dependent on them for the technology other nations have come to rely on. However, this dependence not allow provided them with an advantage, but also made them a target, for whoever controls Autonoma controls the flow of all advanced technology.

Which was why the military has since used their technological edge to their own advantage, developing powerful weapons beyond what any other military was capable of fielding. Direct-energy weaponry, powered armor, airships, and whole unmanned armies comprised of drones and automated systems. All of this made up for their small man power size of over 300,000 total.

Their industry was also unchallenged, making many breakthroughs and developments with the concept of automation, allowing for quick and efficient streamline production lines. However this idea of automation almost resulted in the collapse of job opportunities, resulting in the establishment of the Automation Prohibition Act which limited the amount of automation within large companies and businesses for the continuation and availability of human run jobs.

Since it's rise, Autonoma has become the most secure, prosperous, and powerful country to ever make it's debut in history.

The nation's territory consisted of an entire 751,000 square kilometer continent with several surrounding chains of small islands, and a larger 50,000 square kilometer island to the east referred to as Treasure Island. Surrounding the continent, protecting 500,000 square kilometers of land was a massive 100 meter high and 75 meter thick wall built in a perfect circle, dotted and armed with varying weapons platforms from powerful railguns to high powered microwave batteries. Completed in 2130, the project was developed to secure the security of the country from foreign threats, named the Autonomous Barrier for each and every weapon system installed was automated and unmanned. Within the walls were massive cities and suburban areas surrounding artificial and natural water bodies that were scattered across the continent. Sky scrapers reaching 500, 600, even 900 meters high. Around the exterior were more rural areas which focused more on the growing of crops or excavation of minerals found beneath the surface.

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