Chapter 1: The Unknown

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August 1st, 2177, 12:50

"Give me a run down on the situation once again. What did our station's AI find with the satellites?"

Secretary of Military Affairs, Alex Burke questioned the staff within the central command center of the Military Command Citadel Facility, or MILCOMM as it was referred to most of the time. The facility on the surface was merely a five story circular building with a 100 meter diameter. However that was only the tip of the iceberg, both figuratively and literally. About 25 meters beneath the surface was an entire underground complex dedicated to serving as the primary HQ and command center for the entirety of the Autonoman Armed Forces, and the primary facility for the Advanced Weapons and Projects Development Agency, an organization operated by the government to experiment and design new military related tech.

Inside were eight separate levels, and was supplied energy from the city's power grid on a normal basis. However in the event the power grid was disabled, or the country was consumed in a nuclear war the facility was build with it's own fusion powered reactor in case of emergencies, capable of resisting attacks from EMPs and nuclear blasts.

"Sir, all satellites across the network went down briefly before they started transmitting again. However the results they're sending appear to be questionable."

The central command center, where all major military operations were planned and organized from, was abuzz with activity as staff were situated at their stations and reading through the information being provided to them. Satellite feeds were all wrong, at least they hoped they were wrong.

"Satellites have scanned through the entire planet, and have found something very disturbing." A 3D model of the entire planet, even mapped out with mountains of accurate height, and details down to the centimeter, was displayed across the large screens of the room, showing what they could not believe. "The entire world is now different, with every continent unrecognizable."

"That can't be right!" Secretary Burke exclaimed. "Contact Overseer! Have SATCON run another scan with the satellites!"

"Sir they've already confirmed it. What we're seeing is the current state of the world. And this..." The Autonoma continent and all it's territorial islands were highlighted. "Is our current position, with our southern coast now just 505 kilometers from the equator as opposed to it previously being 101 kilometers. Not only did all the overseas continents changed, but our position on the planet has changed as well."

"This cannot be possible." The secretary objected as he refused to believe these results. "There is no possible way our entire country can just be picked up and relocated to a different location on the map. And how in the hell did all the continents change? Even natural occurring seismic activity couldn't change the world to this degree."

"That's true sir, but this is what our satellites are seeing. Not only has the world changed, but SATCON has identified multiple points of interest across the new continents."

The image of the globe zoomed in on a continent 5,000 kilometers from their western coast. Within a valley, surrounded by a ring of mountains, was what looked like civilization. But it wasn't any they were familiar with as the structures they were seeing looked to be rather primitive, and in the center was a massive towering palace like structure reaching over 200 meters in height, complete with towers, walls, statues, and multi-level gardens. Exact story count could not be determined at this point. Within the city surrounded by mountains was what they identified as a sort of airfield complete with runways, hangers, and other aviation facilities. Biplanes, triplanes, and early airships were seen parked across the surface or on the runways either taking off or landing.

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